Why should Thrinacia Software be considered when thinking about Crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding solutions
Crowdfunding solutions

Thrinacia recently announced it’s new plan priced at only $39.99/mo. This has effectively opened up the doors for anyone interested in white label crowdfunding. Now you may ask, why you would want to run your own crowdfunding website and utilize Thrinacia? I will go over some of the main reasons and provide an explanation to each point. Then you can see if Thrinacia’s software is the right choice for you.

1. Fully customizable experience
Once launched the website can be modified. Users have the ability to personalize, make modifications and add new functionalities into their website. You can create a special feel on your website, which makes it unique and you’re not associated with any platform.

2. Avoid fees found with crowdfunding platforms

Thrinacia uses Stripe as an payment processor. So the only fees are the Stripe fees, in Canada for example 2.9% + 0.30¢ once the campaigns are in effect. This is once you’re an subscribed user of the system and are registered to one of the subscription plans. Please note also the Stripe fees may vary in different countries as in France you may only be paying 1.8% + 0.30¢.

How does all that save you money? If you look at an new product innovator with a $100,000 campaign raised as an example, they may be paying up to $8,000 — $10,000 in fees on some of the more popular platforms. With a low monthly plan from Thrinacia those costs can be signficantly reduced, saving you substiantial money which in turn you can then use towards your project or further promotion of your crowdfunding campaign.

3. No need for hosting or initial site development
When you are trying to build or setup a crowdfunding website via a WordPress Plugin for example, lot of work will be involved in initial stages. You will also need to manage your own hosting and be paying for a monthly plan. Thrinacia provides the turn key solution and there is no worries about hosting, it is all included.

4. Existing features are built in already and turn key solution is available
Thrinacia’s software already includes a number of features that are built in. Such as detailed portal reports, powerful administration tools, CORS compliant REST API Engine and Stripe Connect Integration. This is just to name a few, and there is possibility of always adding more in through custom development work.

5. Ability to utilize direct process on campaigns
Direct process capabilities at point of donation, receive funds within a few days. Post processing is the complementary option, contributions are processed when a campaign has ended. Some innovators for example may want to utilize immediate payments, in case they need funding for further product development.

If you’re building a crowdfunding website, there may be significant time and money invested to get the job done right unless of course you’re a developer. Thrinacia provides out of the box solution which is ready to go. There also may be a good amount of time spent if you’re working on the perfect page for a platform such as Kickstarter. That same time put in for creating a page can have you running your own website. Thrinacia is definitively an great option to consider when thinking about starting your next crowdfunding campaign or portal. There are some excellent entry level subscription plans available and for more intense portals, Thrinacia offers more support, options under different plans.