White-label Native App Deployment for Thrinacia Meridian

This tutorial will guide you through the steps required to deploy your Android APK pre-built package to Google Play Store.


To request APK package build, you will need to open new ticket or issue in our project tracking system under your project. Please make sure to attach relevant icon/logo and name for your native white-label app.

Once you do this, our platform engineering team will go and build native android application package (APK) file for you and attach it to ticket. You will get notified once the file is ready.

To publish a white labeled native app (APK package) built by our platform engineering team, you will need to do the following:

1. Register for a publisher account with Google Play Store at https://developer.android.com/distribute/googleplay/start.html

2. After you set up the publisher account, please visit the Google Play Developer Console located at https://play.google.com/apps/publish and click on the “Add New Application” button located in the top right.

3. This will guide you through the process that will let you upload the APK to the Google Play store. It will ask you for extra information before you are allowed to publish the native app. This information includes screenshots, a short description, icons, banners and so on.

4. After the review (it takes several hours), your users will be able to download your native app from the Google Play Store.