Waypoint 2.0 Release Announcement


Thrinacia Team is pleased to announce the general availability of Waypoint 2.0 Release. This release introduces new features, applications and existing core Web UI frontend and REST API backend revisions and enhancements for Thrinacia Atlas infrastructure.

List of New Features, Revisions and Enhancements

  • Improved Stripe Connect handling
  • Various editor enhancements
  • Reward level updates
  • Improved CSV exporting
  • Toggle for exclusion of shipping from funded campaign amount
  • Toggle to force always capturing campaign funds in post processing, irregardless of the status
  • Anonymous commenting and Anonymous comment actions
  • Toggle to force campaign status to not revert to being edited if campaign is edited
  • Toggle to always force anonymous contributions if desired
  • Social Sharing Controls
  • Private Campaigns
  • Web UI v1 WordPress plugin
  • Advanced CrowdFunding Widget functionality
  • Native Android mobile application
  • HTTP/2 ALPN support
  • Toggle for easier control of Payment Processing
  • Ability to add backer offset to campaign as Administrator
  • Support for skipping Stripe User ID verification
  • Added REST API portal token service
  • Person ID added as filter for backer REST API endpoint
  • Predefined locale city format adjusted to use commas instead
  • Improved Stripe error code return responses
  • Added new Stripe countries and currencies
  • Added REST API filters to setting GET endpoints for campaign, portal and profile
  • Added REST API total amount for backer endpoint that sums up all contributions from backer in campaign
  • Inline contribution workflow improvements
  • Add ability to notify user even in user auto approved mode via new toggle
  • Add support for other types of youtube URL’s
  • Make credit card expiry date check be fully inclusive of expiration month
  • Add timezone abbreviations into display
  • Add support for callbacks/webhooks
  • Add toggle for non-authenticated users to control whether they can fetch person attributes
  • Add REST API limited information public person lookup endpoint that can be turned on or off
  • Add built-in comment system and comment actions such as voting, liking and so on
  • Improved static resource loading from CDN
  • New custom development and build workflow with gulp
  • Various other optimizations fixes and enhancements

Upgrade Status

  • All REST API backends have been updated consistently ensuring proper backward compatibility.
  • All AngularJS / Semantic UI frontends have been updated except the ones with custom changes for which clients are responsible applying the changes by tracking core changes.
  • REST API Documentation has been updated and latest reference can always be obtained from: Origin REST API Docs

Other News and Updates

We have started a new official Youtube channel where you can find many useful video tutorials. You can get to the Youtube channel by clicking here

New native Android mobile application that integrates with Thrinacia Atlas REST API is available to clients under specific plan and can be fully white-labeled and customized to the target website portal and audience. Full source code is available and we offer services for generic and customized builds. iOS application is underway and should be available soon as well.

New Advanced CrowdFunding Widget that integrates with Thrinacia Atlas is available on all plans. Any portal can be configured to offer the advanced white-labeled campaign embedding capability to their project creators via the widget functionality, meaning campaigns can now be fully hosted on any website via the target portal. Widget was developed in Angular 2 and is fully customizable in terms of look and feel. Full source code is available as well for more advanced types of customizations.

New WordPress CrowdFunding plugin for Web UI v1 has been released. It allows you to use Thrinacia Atlas from WordPress on a pre-configured path. For example www.mywebsite.com/crowdfunding. The plugin is available from official WordPress directory and also from our website by clicking here.

Thrinacia Atlas Web UI v2 and WordPress plugin v2 is well underway and nearing testing/first release. It is complete rewrite in Angular 2 and will feature many new optimizations, improved functionalities and so on. It will also come with native support for multiple themes.

Support for subscription based contributions (i.e. recurring donations) is still being worked on and we plan to officially release it either this or next month.

New customer panel is being currently worked on and we are expecting it to go into testing and release process soon. The new customer panel will allow for many automated functions which are currently executed via issue tracking system.

After some delays, ICARUS feature incubation program is officially starting next week. We will be adding more campaigns to the program as they are being requested from our clients and approved/reviewed by ICARUS team.