Using Rewards for Charity Crowdfunding Platform

Many charities are deciding to use digital avenues to gain funding for their cause and find the ease of use for both the campaign creator and the donor. Using online methods for creating a Crowdfunding campaign allows users to donate with the click of a button. Now Crowdfunding for your charity can generate even more value to its donors by using the power of rewards.

How to use rewards for your charity

There have been new techniques developed using the rewards based Crowdfunding campaign to generate more donations by offering more value to the donors. If the right Crowdfunding software is utilized, then one could add tangible rewards to the campaign. Rewards such as novelty goods and everyday household appliances have been utilized by Boon Supply. The users can purchase the items on the site and choose the charity that the money will go to. 50% of all purchases go to the charity of choice. The same concepts can be applied to a Charity Crowdfunding site.

Rewards for Charity Crowdfunding campaign
Learn new methods on how to use rewards for a charity Crowdfunding campaign

Creating the rewards

Below are some suggestions on how to create rewards for your charity Crowdfunding platform:

  • Use universal products that can be enticing for anyone to purchase.
  • Be upfront about the costs associated with the reward. For example, if the reward costs 30% of the donation, then let the backer know how much is going to charity.
  • Use a theme for the products that will be offered for the Charity. For example, use cooking items for each of the rewards for the campaign.
  • Offer a wide variety of rewards for those who want to donate in small amounts, to those who would like to give in large amounts, and everything in between.

Using the right rewards could be a great selling point to the potential backers. Find the type of products that could be sold at reasonable prices for charities by going to such sites as Alibaba or Aliexpress. These sites typically let you purchase items in bulk so that they can be purchased at wholesale pricing. These are great places to look and find ideas for your charity.