Using Reddit IAmA to your Crowdfunding Advantage

For those of you not familiar with Reddit, Reddit is a bulletin board-style website where people in various sub-communities called “subreddits” can discuss topics or submit links to sites which other community members can discuss. One of the most popular subreddits is IAmA — a place where you can invite the community to ask about anything.

Reddit is famously known as the “front page of the Internet” so putting yourself on the spotlight as the leading force behind this hot new crowdfunding campaign is going to attract attention. It could be the fact that the idea you are trying to crowdfunding is bold, insane or a combination of several things or maybe you raised more than a million dollars. No matter how successful the outlook is, there will be critics. The Internet is full of them and there is certainly no shortage of them in Reddit. Therefore, Reddit is a fantastic place to shut these critics down and build even more momentum for your crowdfunding push. However, a poor approach to the community can lead to unprecedented harm to your campaign. It is important to tread carefully and follow a few key tips.

See How Other People Do It

One of the best things about Reddit is that discussions stay archived. This includes the AMA (ask me anything) started by the three creators of the highly successful Exploding Kittens card game. Search around the subreddit and watch how the creators respond to people.

Expect the Unexpected

When you are encouraging the Reddit community to ask you anything, anything really means anything. You will be faced with tough questions and probably a few silly ones. Of course, not everyone will expect you to answer every question but at least give importance to the questions with a lot of upvotes or karma. Ignoring too many well-respected questions may cause your potential backers to lose faith.

Be Yourself

It is already given that you are starting the AMA session to market your crowdfunding campaign. Don’t let that marketing attitude carry over to your comments.  Try to loosen up and drop the corporate talk and canned responses and just be a person. You are a Redditor and on the same level of other Redditors. Revealing just how much of a human you are can win you lots of friends and those new friends can turn into real backers.