Using new TLD’s for your next venture

tld, website, domain, name
TLD for a new website

Are you an organization looking to create a new website, create a new Crowdfunding campaign, or just purchase a new domain name? If so, the great news is you can now purchase a multitude of different TLD’s (Top Level Domain’s) to suit your next venture.

It is great to start, or even own multiple domain names today. When using Thrinacia’s products, you can use any domain name that you want. Simply purchase the domain name of your choice from any domain name provider, and use the methods explained in this FAQ to connect that domain name to your Crowdfunding platform.

There are many new TLD’s that can be used for your specific business, whether you are planning on creating a Crowdfunding website, start a Crowdfunding campaign and host it on a new website, or simply start a new business venture. Since there are so many websites already created, and many companies purchasing multiple different domain names, it may be hard to find the domain name that you were intending to use. Many companies in the past would use the age-old .com TLD. This is now oversaturated, and many companies are starting to use other TLD’s instead to better represent the website and company.

Below is a list of a few TLD’s that you can purchase.

  • .ngo
  • .app
  • .charity

Those are just a few TLD’s that can be used, you can learn more from this article here.

Use case: AgingAid

For example: In this hypothetical scenario we are going to explore a use case with the TLD for a charity organization trying to run a Crowdfunding campaign to help the elderly in a small town. This organization’s name is called AgingAid, and they will be running simple donation-based Crowdfunding campaigns for their organization. They do not want to be using the GoFundMe platform as they want to keep their own labeling on the campaigns. Instead, they will host the campaigns on a new website. Unfortunately, the domain name has already been taken. This is when you can use a new TLD to get the domain name needed. Instead of using the .com TLD, they will be using the .charity TLD as it better represents their organization, and is available for purchase.

Upon purchasing the new domain name, the organization purchases an Atlas subscription plan so they can have a full donation component to their new website, add new campaigns at will, and manipulate the website without having any coding experience. Since Atlas is a fully white label Crowdfunding platform, they can label the entire website as their own, and run multiple campaigns on their website without having to pay any transaction fees.


Now you understand that you do not have to change your business name because that domain name has already been taken, as there are new TLD’s like the ones mentioned above to support more of the companies who may want to use a similar name to a business that has already been created. It is much more likely that the domain name you want can be found using a new TLD.