Using Atlas to fund a single product

Tomy Crowdfunding Campaign
Tomy Crowdfunding Campaign
How to raise funds for a single product
How to raise funds for a single product

Do you want to crowdfund for a single project or product? This article will present a way to host a crowdfunding campaign on any website. There are many more crowdfunding campaigns than you may know of, as they are being hosted on a single website instead of a platform like you would see on Kickstarter, Indiegogo, or Gofundme. Do you want to know how these campaigns are being run on their own? Check out the below example.

Crowdfunding Example

Like many crowdfunding creators, there are options available to host your campaign, but what if you are raising large sums of money, for example, over one million dollars? Well, you may want to find a way to keep as much of the money raised as possible. There are transaction fees from payment gateways and crowdfunding platforms that will take a percentage of all your contributions. In total, you can be losing thousands of dollars, depending on how much you are raising. How can you avoid these fees? The best way to do so is to build your own crowdfunding campaign using white-label software to avoid transaction fees. Thrinacia provides such software that will allow you to create your own crowdfunding campaign and reduce the fees that you would be paying if you were to use any of the other mainstream platforms. Below is an example of a successful campaign using Thrinacia’s white-label technology on their own website via the widget feature.

Tomy Crowdfunding Campaign
Tomy Crowdfunding Campaign

As you can see, the above campaign has successfully raised over $1 million in pre-orders. This was using the Sedra widget.

Sedra is a crowdfunding widget that will allow you to run a crowdfunding campaign on any website of your choice by copying and pasting a small snippet of widget code onto a page of your website. If you already have a website that you would like to host your campaign on, Thrinacia may have an article which can provide further steps. Here are some of the popular articles on the platforms/technologies that people are using to build their sites:

Those are just a few examples, there are so many more that you can find on Thrinacia’s blog. Even when using the widget, you can see from the screenshot above that it can process high loads of volume in terms of page views and donations to the campaign.

What does the Sedra widget cost?

The sedra widget is included with the Atlas subscription plans as seen here. You can use the sedra widget with any subscription plan, including the Micro plan ($9.99 per month), however, for larger campaigns like the one that you see in the image above, this might not be the most suitable plan. If you want your users to quickly access the campaign without much latency, you may want the campaign host to be in a specific geo region or running on upgraded servers, this is offered with higher-tier plans.

How to use the widget

There are different funding modes that you can run with Atlas, you can run KiA (Keep it All) and AoN (All or Nothing). Here’s more information if you want to learn about the different funding modes.

Each option has its pros and cons, but if you plan on introducing a new product to the market, it’s typical to run an AoN campaign.

When using the sedra widget, you will also have access to all of the donations via the admin dashboard and Stripe. You can capture the emails, phone numbers, and addresses (for shipping) for all of the backers of the campaign. All of which can be exported into a CSV file if you’d like to save the data.

You’ll also need to connect to a payment gateway in order to process the payments. It’s recommended to use Stripe (Thrinacia is a verified partner with Stripe), but you also have the option of using PayPal as an alternative. Be aware that each payment gateway will charge a processing fee on each transaction, it’s best to be aware of these fees before you start accepting donations. However, you will still be saving money as the mainstream platforms are also using said processors on their platform as well, and will take an additional fee of their own.

A typical AoN campaign will include rewards. When offering rewards, Atlas comes with specific features to help you through this journey. You can capture the addresses if you would like to for the reward and add a shipping amount. This can be a general shipping amount or an amount based on the region where the user is located in. Another key feature of rewards is the reward attributes. This allows you to add attributes to the rewards, for example, you may offer a t-shirt, but you want to offer it in different sizes and colours. These would be considered different attributes. You can add as many as you would like, and this information will be provided for you so you can ship the correct item to your backer.

Getting Started

If you want to give it a try for yourself, it’s recommended to sign up for the 14-day free trial here.

You can also join our public Discord chat if you have any further questions or want to talk to a Thrinacia representative.

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