Types of Fundraising Techniques for Businesses

Raising funds is a crucial aspect of any business or platform. With the rise of new technologies and changing economic conditions, fundraising techniques have evolved over the years. In this article, we will explore the latest fundraising techniques for platforms and highlight some of the major players in the industry.


Crowdfunding is a popular fundraising technique where businesses and individuals can raise funds from a large number of people. It allows platforms to bypass traditional financing methods and directly connect with investors. Crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and GoFundMe have become popular sources of funding for startups and small businesses.

Equity Crowdfunding

Equity Crowdfunding is a type of crowdfunding that allows investors to own a share of the company in exchange for their investment. This technique has become increasingly popular for startups as it provides a way for them to raise capital and gain access to a large pool of investors. Major players in the equity crowdfunding industry include SeedInvest, AngelList, and FundersClub.

Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs)

ICOs are a type of fundraising technique that involves issuing new digital tokens in exchange for funds. ICOs have become popular in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry, and platforms such as Binance, Coinbase, and BitMax have emerged as major players in this space.

Venture Capital (VC)

Venture Capital is a type of private equity financing provided by professional investors to startups and early-stage businesses. This technique is often used by companies that have a high growth potential and need significant capital to scale. Major players in the venture capital industry include Andreessen Horowitz, Sequoia Capital, and Accel.

Strategic Investment

Strategic Investment is a type of investment made by companies looking to enter a new market or expand their existing business. This technique involves a company investing in another company, often as part of a larger strategic partnership. Major players in the strategic investment industry include Alphabet, Microsoft, and Amazon.


In conclusion, fundraising techniques have come a long way from traditional financing methods. Today, platforms have access to a wide range of techniques that allow them to raise funds from a large pool of investors. Whether it be through crowdfunding, equity crowdfunding, ICOs, venture capital, or strategic investment, there are many options available for platforms looking to raise funds. It’s important to understand each of these techniques and find the right one that suits your platform’s needs and goals.


  1. Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/
  2. Indiegogo: https://www.indiegogo.com/
  3. GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/
  4. SeedInvest: https://www.seedinvest.com/
  5. AngelList: https://angel.co/
  6. FundersClub: https://www.fundersclub.com/
  7. Binance: https://www.binance.com/
  8. Coinbase: https://www.coinbase.com/
  9. BitMax: https://bitmax.io/
  10. Andreessen Horowitz: https://a16z.com/
  11. Sequoia Capital: https://www.sequoiacap.com/
  12. Accel: https://www.accel.com/

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