Twilight 1.3 Release Announcement


Thrinacia Team is pleased to announce the general availability of Twilight 1.3 Release. This release introduces some new features and existing core Web UI frontend and REST API backend revisions.

Below is a list of items that is included with this release.

  • Continuous campaign support (pre-orders, etc.)
  • Manual transaction support (cheques, etc.)
  • Per subcountry (state, province, etc) shipping options
  • Configurable post processing delay (days duration)
  • Dynamic and configurable custom fields for business/personal profile sections
  • UI/UX improvements for contribution forms
  • CMDI/WidgetMakr tracking and pid # auto probe/allocation as well as auto card type mapping
  • Forced re-registration mode option
  • Case insensitive campaign URL path lookup option
  • Various optimizations, fixes and enhancements

Upgrade Status

  • All REST API backends have been updated consistently ensuring proper backward compatibility.
  • All AngularJS / Semantic UI frontends have been updated except the ones with heavy custom changes.
  • REST API Documentation has been updated and latest reference can always be obtained from: Origin REST API Docs

Please let us know if you have any questions about this or our upcoming releases.