Thrinacia Introduces a Free 14 Day Trial

Thrinacia’s team is excited to announce the introduction of the free 14 day trial period for Atlas product. The support team was receiving a lot of requests from individuals, companies and organizations that wanted test the administration dashboard and Thrinacia responded. Customers can now subscribe to the Discover plan and receive a free 14 day trial period.

Thrincia’s team will deploy a new crowdfunding portal and provide site administrator login information when a new customer subscribes to the free 14 day trial. Customers can start customizing their crowdfunding website right away. After the free trial period has ended clients can continue using the Discover plan or upgrade to the Experiment or Build or Scale plan. If a customer does not want to continue using Thrinacia, they can simply cancel before the trial period ends and they will not be charged. The team; however, believes that anyone who has started using Thrinacia to build a crowdfunding website won’t look back.

Thrinacia’s team fully believes in the power of SaaS CrowdFunding. The 14 day free trial period should help to break down the barriers to entry for many potential clients. Thrinacia has always offered a viewable demo site, but now anyone who is interested in building and managing a crowdfunding website will be able to have access to  the backend administration dashboard and see for themselves how powerful and easy to use it is. Thrinacia is excited by the prospects of further increasing their client base and transparency through the introduction of the 14 day free trial.

Crowdfunding is a rapidly growing industry and there are so many opportunities to make platforms that serve a multitude of different purposes. Thrinacia’s team is passionate about providing the software and support that will help power new and innovative crowdfunding platforms.