Thrinacia Guide to Crowdfunding Tools and Solutions


Thrinacia team has received many questions and inquiries about all of the tools and solutions that are available, and how to best use them. We created the ultimate infrastructure of tools for Crowdfunders from Crowdfunding campaign creators to portal administrators. In this article, we are going to lay out the entire realm of possibilities that can help you with any or all of your Crowdfunding needs.



Thrinacia provides multiple options for campaign uses. Our first and most inexpensive option for those who would like to run a Crowdfunding campaign on a very tight budget would want to use Thrinacia Reach. It is a great solution for those who are looking to raise smaller amounts of money to and want the ability to easily share the campaign. Although you have many options and can handle any amount of funding, this is just the basic functionality for your Crowdfunding needs. It is a perfect solution for those that need to create a donations or rewards-based Crowdfunding campaign with limited functionality.

In addition, users have the option of adding the Crowdfunding campaign to their own existing website. Using the Sedra widget, users can easily copy and paste the HTML widget code on to a website to host the campaign. This all comes free with the Reach platform, not to mention that Thrinacia takes 0% of the donations to the campaign. If you want more control over the campaign functionality, or want to make any changes to the campaign UI, then using the Atlas SaaS plan is the way to go. Thrinacia still does not take a percentage of the donations, and purchasing a subscription plan starts as little as $39.99 per month.

This option allows you to customize the campaign completely, with the availability of using Thrinacia Support if you encounter any issues with adding the campaign to your site or making changes to the functionality.

Check out the campaign customizations available when using the Atlas Subscription plan:

  • Campaign Raise Modes – Keep it all – Keep all the funds contributed even if the goal isn’t met. All or nothing – Keep the funds contributed if the funded goal is met.
  • Inline Contributions – Choose which modes of pledging are allowed for inline contributions such as registered user or new account, guest user, or express checkout
  • Notify Admin for All Contributions – The administrator will receive notifications of any contrbutions sent to campaigns.
  • Campaign Process – Hide days to go by default
  • Campaign Creator Info – Display campaign name only on campaign header. Display creator profile under campaign description. Display creator profile on campaign header and under campaign description.
  • Campaign Google Analytics – This controls Google Analytics settings.
  • Campaign FAQ – Remove the Campaign FAQ on the campaign.
  • Campaign Links – Remove the Campaign Links on the campaign.
  • Top Header Image – Remove the Top Header Image on the campaign.
  • Exclude Shipping from Funded Amounts – This will exclude the shipping cost from the Funded Amounts.
  • Allow Custom Path – Enables the customization of your campaign URL.
  • Hide Campaign Creator Info – Hide the campaign creator information except for the Contact Button in the top right corner on the campaign pages.
  • Online Campaign Contributions –  Toggle whether online campaign contributions are enabled or disabled. This is for cases where you only want to process contributions offline via manual transaction interface.
  • Campaign Contribute Options – This controls the display of the contribute button in your campaign as well as the minimum charge. You can set the minimum or maximum contribution charge to suit your needs.
  • Alternate Shipping Layout for Campaigns – This controls alternate shipping Layouts for Japanese and some international markets. The shipping fields will change as well as the input languages
  • Campaign Rewards – Controls the display of the reward. You have the choice to show or hide rewards to suit your needs.
  • Campaign Revisions – This option will enable campaign managers to make revisions to their campaigns while it is approve/running. The user will only be able to make revisions on the Featured Image, Title, Blurb, Top Header Image, Description, FAQ, & Biography of the campaign. After the user has saved the revision the administrator can approve or disapprove the revision.
  • Non-Admin Can Manage Campaign Groups – Allows regular users to manage campaigns.
  • Force Anonymous Contributions – Force all contributions to be anonymous by default
  • Enable Private Campaigns – This allows users to set campaigns as private, meaning they can only be accessed via special randomly generated URL. Note that website administrator and campaign manager can still access campaign in a regular way.
  • Campaign Mobile View Layout Options – Using these options you can adjust your mobile view elements accordingly.

Those are just a few of the options available for a running a campaign with Atlas. There are many more features and customizations that can make the Crowdfunding experience special for your particular needs. If there is not a feature in that list, that you need, please feel free to sign into the Thrinacia Slack channel and suggest to us. Or email

Operating a Crowdfunding Platform


Thrinacia Atlas is a great turnkey solution for those that would like to run and operate a Crowdfunding platform. The two biggest advantages when using Atlas is the customizability and support. No matter what scale you are looking to run the Crowdfunding platform, whether you are just starting out or a large enterprise, Thrinacia provides the right solution to fit your needs. Providing the front end code, allows for the most custom Crowdfunding site to be run, along with the many features that are bundled with the product that get automatically updated monthly with new features included.

The Atlas white label Crowdfunding engine allows you to customize the look and feel of the site through the administrator dashboard, there is no coding experience required. In addition, all of the front end code is provided, in case you would like to manipulate the UI. If there are any custom workflows or features that you would like to add on to the website, our in-house developers can develop them for you at an hourly rate.

Ways you can use Atlas

The Atlas Crowdfunding engine is designed for rewards and donations based Crowdfunding campaigns, but can also be used for equity, loan, or real estate platforms as well, you can learn more by seeing this FAQ. Thrinacia exclusively provides the software and technology and cannot provide any legal or business consulting.

Our support staff can assist with any issues or concerns when running the platform. Other ways that the Atlas platform could be used, is for presale ICO campaigns. With the Altas solution, campaign creators have the option of running the campaign on the site or a separate site with all of the customizability as mentioned previously. If you already have a website but want to take advantage of the entire Atlas platform, no problem, you can use the CMS plugin called Orion. You can run the plugin alongside your existing website.

Thrinacia also provides a white label crowdfunding Android app that is included with specified plans. With this app, your backers can download the app, view and donate to each of the campaigns that are posted on your portal. It is a great way to optimize the mobile Crowdfunding experience. If you are looking to run a campaign, operate a portal, or just want to use to use the Crowdfunding functionality on your existing website, Thrinacia has the solution.