Thrinacia Atlas translated/localized for any Country

Are you having troubles finding a Crowdfunding platform in your country/region? It is likely that you are not the only one in this situation. Luckily there is now a solution for you, Thrinacia Atlas.


How to use Atlas in my country

Altas can be used in multiple ways so you do not need to be limited to the platform available online. It is advised to check if the currency that you want to accept is accepted by Stripe, it is the payment gateway used by Atlas. In addition, you can also check if your country is supported by Stripe by going here. If you are finding that Stripe is not supported in your country, you can also use the Stripe service called Atlas (What a cool name!). This way you can open an account with Stripe and start accepting payments.

What advantages are there by using Atlas? You have two options to look at when using Atlas for your country.

Creating a Campaign: If you are having troubles finding a platform that supports your language or currency, you can use the Atlas platform to host your campaign in your own language and accept your currency. And the best part is that you do not need to direct users to the platform its self. Included with the Atlas Subscription plan is the Sedra widget code. You can use the widget code to display your campaign on your preferred site via HTML.


Some may be concerned about the pricing, this is not an issue as you will only be paying $39.99 /mo. There are no other fees, as Thrinacia does not take any transaction fee on any donations on your Crowdfunding platform. In the end, you may likely be saving money, as other platforms take a transaction fee from 5% – 10% of each donation to the campaign. So if your campaign goal is $5,000 and the platform is taking 5% of that, you are paying the platform a total of $250. If this was the case, in the end, you would be saving $210 by using the Atlas platform.

Creating a platform: Now that you know you can run a Crowdfunding campaign using Atlas to support your country, you also have the option of running a platform. There may not be a Crowdfunding platform available for your country. You have the option of taking advantage of this opportunity by owning your own Crowdfunding platform.


Anyone has the capability to run a Crowdfunding platform using Atlas, as you do not need to have any coding background. The Administrator Dashboard makes it simple and easy for anyone who wants to fully customize the platform, not to mention set your own transaction fee on each donation to the campaigns on the site like Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Not only will you be able to provide a platform for those in your country, but you can also earn money by doing so.

 Translating the Platform

Once you have purchased an Atlas Subscription plan, you can have access to translate the platform. Note: you will not have access to translate the platform if you are using the 14-day free trial.

You can begin to translate the platform by downloading the files via FTP. Once the files have been downloaded, Go to the angapp/views/translation directory. There you will see the folder by name of ‘en’ already created. This folder contains json file for translating to English.


Create a new folder by any name, for example, ‘fr’ for translating to French, and copy all the files from the ‘en’ folder you want to change to the new destination folder.

Open the login.json file from the new folder you copied files into. This file contains all your translation for the login page. It’s a key-value pair format; left part key and the right is the value.  Example : “login_page_login”: “Log in”, Now you have to change the right part to the desired language. Do this for the whole file.Remember, don’t delete the commas or the double quotes or it will break the file. The last line has no comma.

Once finished, open the app_local.js file and change the ‘PREFERRED_LANG’ constant to the name of the folder you created. In our case, we’re changing it to ‘fr’. The default language is set here to English, which will be a fall-back language for translation if it can’t be found in the preferred language. If you don’t specify preferred language than the default language will automatically be chosen.

For a more detailed tutorial, please refer to this blog post.

You can now upload your files back to the site via STFP. That is it.