Thrinacia Atlas – Quick Widget Setup

How to configure the settings for using the optional Crowdfunding widget
How to configure the settings for using the optional Crowdfunding widget

Would you like to quickly setup the Thrinacia Atlas Crowdfunding widget on your Wix, Squarespace, WordPress or another existing website/webpage? If so, this article is going to explain how to add the settings to start running your single campaign.

If you intend to run a campaign on an external website using the Sedra widget, this article will explain the quick steps to take in terms of adding the settings to get started. These settings can be added very fast and can be tested to make sure they are running properly.


Step 1. Setup your portal Stripe account

Once you have successfully subscribed to a plan, you will have to setup your portal Stripe account. Once your portal Stripe account is setup, you will have the ability to accept donations for when you create your campaign. Setting up the portal Stripe account is easy, simply log into both your Stripe account and the Atlas platform as a portal administrator (you will have received the portal administrator credentials in the welcome email upon signup) to begin the process.

Go to the administrator dashboard on your Atlas platform. To do this, click on the following icon in the top right corner of the page:

Website account menu
Website account menu

Click on the “Administration” option. Then click on the “Portal Settings” button, and after, click on the “Payment Settings” tab as shown below:

Payment settings UI
Payment settings UI

You will need to fill out the red underlined sections to setup the Stripe account.

Starting with the “Payment Mode“. There are 2 modes that you can choose from, and the next steps will dictate what you will be adding in the following fields. If you would like to test your payments without the ability to receive real donations, then you can choose “Test Mode”. If you would like to accept real donations right away and skip the testing, you can click on the “Live Mode” option.

For this tutorial, we are going to using test mode as this is recommended to make sure that the campaign is functioning correctly before accepting real donations and going live with the campaign.

Next, you will need to add both the “Secret Key” and “Publishable Key” into the fields as shown in the above image. You can find both keys by going to the Stripe administrator dashboard and clicking on the “Developers” tab in the left menu, then click on the API keys option in the submenu.

Stripe dashboard menu
Stripe dashboard menu

Please note that if you set your payment settings to be using test mode, you will also have to set the toggle in the Stripe dashboard to be viewing test data.

Viewing test data in the Stripe dashboard
Viewing test data in the Stripe dashboard

If you are using live mode, make sure this toggle is set to view the live data. All of the keys that we are copying and pasting in this tutorial are applicable in live mode as well. All you need to do is make sure that the above toggle is set to live mode.

Once you are viewing the API keys page, you will see both the publishable key and secret key that you will need to add into the payment settings fields.

Stripe API keys
Stripe API keys

Paste both of the keys into the following fields in the Atlas payment settings page. The keys have been erased from the image for security purposes, however, you will see them in your dashboard.

Last, it is recommended to enable the direct transactions toggle.

Direct transactions toggle
Direct transactions toggle

If you enable this toggle, it will force all of the contributions to go into the Stripe account that you have just connected to the platform.

You can add your country and currency settings that will fit your needs. Once you have added all of the information, click “Save Payment Settings” at the bottom of the page.

Step 2. Configure the raise modes and enable the widget

Now that you have setup the Stripe account, you can configure the raise modes for your specific campaign. Go to the administrator dashboard, click on portal settings, then click on the campaign settings tab. Next, scroll down to the section called “Campaign Raise Modes

Campaign raise modes section
Campaign raise modes section

Here, you can set how you would like the transactions to be configured for the different raise modes. Learn more about different ways you can charge the backers by reading the following FAQ.

In addition, you will also want to make sure that the widget code is enabled on your platform, so you can copy and paste the widget on to a separate website. Go to the administrator dashboard, and click on portal settings, then on website settings, and scroll down to the section called “Advanced Crowdfunding Widget” and make sure that the toggle is enabled.

Advanced Crowdfunding widget
Advanced Crowdfunding widget

Step 3. Create the campaign

Once your settings are all configured for your campaign, it is now time to create your campaign!

Click on the “Start” button on the home page of your platform to begin creating a campaign. Simply fill in all of the necessary fields in the campaign creation steps for your campaign. When you are finished, click on the “Send For Review” button.

Send for review button
Send for review button

You will need to approve the campaign before you can paste the widget on to an external website. Go to the administrator dashboard, and click on the campaigns tab. To approve the campaign, click on the dropdown that says “Being Edited” in the status column. Choose “Approved/Running“.

Step 4. Copy and paste the widget code

Now that the campaign has been approved, and is running, you can copy and paste the widget code on to an external website. Go back to the campaign that you were working on, and click on the “Edit” button. In the campaign creation steps, click on the “Preview” tab, then click on “Widget Preview“. Here you will see the code that you can copy and paste on to an external website.

Campaign creation steps preview widget code
Campaign creation steps preview widget code

If you are experiencing any issues with setting up the campaign on your website, or you hit any roadblocks along the way, you can create a ticket in the Nexus system, or contact Thrinacia at Learn more by watching the video below: