Thrinacia Atlas Comparison with Other CrowdFunding Software

Thrinacia Inc Products and Services
Thrinacia Products and Services

Are you looking to use a CrowdFunding platform, or purchase CrowdFunding software / technology for your next project? This article is going to outline the top platforms and CrowdFunding software technologies available in the market today, and show the key features to provide you with more information on your decision making process when it comes to choosing the right CrowdFunding product.

We will compare the solutions available to create CrowdFunding campaigns, full blown websites or platforms, and other CrowdFunding software such as mobile applications and widgets. This article will help you with understanding what Thrinacia offers when compared with the other solutions available in the rewards and donations based CrowdFunding market.

What is Thrinacia Atlas?

Thrinacia Atlas is a white label CrowdFunding engine. This means that you can create your own rewards and donations based CrowdFunding platform using pre-built turnkey software, and fully label it as your own. Thrinacia Atlas enables you to create CrowdFunding campaigns, host, and run your own CrowdFunding platform, use widgets to host the campaign on other websites, use and extend / customize CrowdFunding mobile applications provided and more.

You can purchase Thrinacia Atlas via a SaaS subscription plan charged on a monthly basis or you can get it setup as Dedicated or On-premises solution, and you can also test the SaaS product by trying the 14-day free trial. Take a look at what each Thrinacia Atlas subscription plan comes with, in full detail by visiting the pricing page.

Thrinacia Atlas Product Comparison Matrix

Below we show how Thrinacia Atlas compares with other CrowdFunding Software

Thrinacia Atlas Ignition Deck CrowdFundHQ FundRaisingScript
Scalable Engine Yes, can scale to large number of concurrent users and transactions Not sure Not sure Not sure
Funding Modes AoN, KiA with Direct and Post Processing flows. Completely configurable behaviour. Not sure Not sure Not sure
Onsite Widget Functionality Yes Not sure Not sure Not sure
Fully Customizable Yes Yes Not sure Not sure
Fully Isolated SaaS Instance Yes Not sure Not sure Not sure
Payment Gateway Stripe, Stripe Connect, Ability to add more Stripe, Stripe Connect, Paypal and others Stripe, Paypal and others Not sure
Custom Payment Gateway Yes Not Sure No Not Sure
Unlimited Campaigns/Projects Yes Yes No (only on specified plans) Depends on what you are using
WordPress Plugin Yes It is a WordPress theme/plugin No No
Dedicated REST API Yes Not Sure Not Sure Not Sure
Your Own Custom Domain Yes Yes Yes Yes
Dedicated SSL Certificate Yes Need to purchase yourself Yes Need to purchase yourself
HTTP/2 Support Yes Not Sure Not Sure Not Sure
CDN Support Yes Not Sure Not Sure Not Sure
SFTP Access Yes Self Hosted Not Sure Self Hosted
GIT Access Yes Not Sure Not Sure Not Sure
White Label Mobile App Yes No No No
Additional Websites Yes Depends on license type Not Sure Depends on license type
Data Backup and Monitoring Yes You have to set it up yourself Not Sure You have to set it up yourself
No Contracts and No Other Fees Yes Self Hosted Yes Self Hosted
Turn Key Setup Yes No Not Sure No
Dedicated Support Team Yes Self Hosted Not Sure Self Hosted
Custom Development Team Yes Not Sure Not Sure Not Sure
Themes Yes Yes No No
Downloadable Version Yes Yes Not Sure Yes
Dedicated Hosting Yes No Yes Not Sure
On-premises version Yes Downloaded and Self Hosted No Downloaded and Self Hosted
Source Code Yes Yes Not Sure Yes
SaaS Version Yes No Yes Yes
Pricing Model SaaS, Dedicated or On-premises. SaaS plans starting at $9.99/mo Self Hosted only. Enterprise edition starts at $749.00 SaaS Only. SaaS plans starting at $69.00/mo Self Hosted and SaaS. Open source edition priced at $2650.00


Thrinacia Atlas Features

Take a look at the features included with the Thrinacia Atlas below.

Sedra Widget

The Sedra widget allows campaign creators to copy and paste simple HTML widget code on to any website of choice. The Sedra widget is fully white labeled, and customizable so that you can run a CrowdFunding campaign on any website of choice. This provides the ability to run a CrowdFunding campaign on any website with one simple copy and paste. Learn how to use the Sedra widget by watching the following video:

Orion WordPress Plugin

The Orion WordPress plugin allows you to run the Atlas UI on any WordPress website. For those users that prefer to use the WordPress CMS, or already running a WordPress site, you can install the plugin, and start running a fully white labeled CrowdFunding engine on your WordPress website. You can learn more about using the Orion WordPress plugin by watching the following video:

Meridian White Label Mobile App

The Meridian white label mobile app is provided with specified Atlas plans and can be connected to the platform. Users can download, view, and donate to the CrowdFunding campaigns hosted on your CrowdFunding platform. You can learn more about Meridian by watching the following video:


Atlas has an administrator dashboard that allows you to fully customize the look and the feel of the entire CrowdFunding platform without any coding knowledge or experience. Below is an image of the administrator dashboard


Administrator Dashbaord the admin dashboard
Administrator Dashboard


Although you do not have to have any coding knowledge to customize the platform, for those that are, however, capable of writing code, you will have access to the front end source code to further manipulate the UI of the website. You can learn how to make customizations via code by watching the following video:

In addition to Atlas, Thrinacia also offers a CrowdFunding platform called Reach which allows you to run CrowdFunding campaigns instead of purchasing the CrowdFunding software. The Reach UI or Theme / Look is also available as part of Thrinacia Atlas and you can use it with SaaS subscription or Dedicated / On-premises edition.

Reach Crowdfunding Platform

Reach is a 100% free to use rewards and donations based CrowdFunding platform allowing campaign creators to raise money without paying any transaction fee to Thrinacia. Campaigns can be hosted on both the Reach platform and on any website of choice by using the Sedra widget. Hosting campaigns on a seperate website will include Thrinacia branding. To activate white label capabilities on the Sedra widget, you must be subscribed to an Atlas plan.

Thrinacia Reach UI home page
Reach home page


Reach Crowdfunding platform comparison Matrix

Below we show how Thrinacia Reach comparese to other CrowdFunding Platforms out there.

Thrinacia Reach Kickstarter IndieGoGo Patreon GoFundMe
Payment Gateway Stripe Stripe Stripe Not sure Stripe
Funding Modes AoN and KiA modes. Direct or Post Processing Workflows. Recurring payments coming. AoN AoN and KiA KiA and Recurring payments KiA
Reward Capability Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Widget Capability Yes. Full contribution experience stays on target website or page. No Yes. Experience limited. Campaign links back to IndieGoGo No No
Transaction and other fees. 0%. Always free to use. 5% 5% 5% Not Sure


We hope this provides you with a better understanding of our services and helps you make the right decision when purchasing, or using any product or services for your CrowdFunding needs. For any additional questions, you can contact Thrinacia by emailing or join our live Discord chat found here.