Thrinacia Atlas Changelog: New Referral Candy Feature and Other Additions/Changes

Thrinacia Atlas Changelog – 2020-10-07
Thrinacia Atlas Changelog – 2020-10-07

This week, Thrinacia is proud to announce a series of new features and updates to the platform as well as other updates. Some of these features include referral/affiliate programs, combining tips, extending campaign dates, and more.

Thrinacia Atlas Changelog – 2020-10-07

New Atlas Features

ReferralCandy Support

If you are interested in affiliate tracking or referral programs, then you will love this new feature. You can use ReferralCandy in order to run affiliate and referral programs providing users with coupon codes as a promotion, sharing coupon codes with friends, and the ability to track all of these referral analytics from ReferralCandy reports.

It is very simple to use. First, you will want to sign up for a ReferralCandy account. Once you have done so, you will be asked to add the coupon codes and rewards as per below.

NOTE: ReferralCandy does not create referral codes for you. This is something you will have to define yourself. You can choose to define them first in the Atlas dashboard or on ReferralCandy, it’s your choice.

Referral Candy Creation Steps
ReferralCandy Creation Steps

Once you have created the coupon codes that you want on ReferralCandy, you can then add these coupons onto your website via the admin dashboard:

Atlas Coupon Code Interface
Atlas Coupon Code Interface

Remember to turn on/enable the coupons, then add the appropriate coupon codes.

You can now connect your ReferralCandy account. To do this, go to Portal Settings –> Campaign Settings scroll down to the section called ReferralCandy Integration.

Referral Candy Integration Interface
ReferralCandy Integration Interface

Turn on/enable the setting, then add the Plugin App ID, and Plugin Secret Key. These keys can be found by going to ReferralCandy on the My Profile page.

Referral Candy My Profile
ReferralCandy My Profile

Be sure to use the Plugin Tokens that you see as per the following:

Referral Candy Keys
ReferralCandy Keys

Add the keys into the appropriate fields. Next, you have the option of enabling/disabling the Post-Purchase popup. This is a popup message that displays after someone has used the coupon code to provide them with the opportunity to refer other friends via an invite link.

ReferralCandy Post-Purchase Popup
ReferralCandy Post-Purchase Popup

ReferralCandy provides reports so you can see the sales due to referrals, referral link clicks, and more.

ReferralCandy Reports
ReferralCandy Reports

Combining Tip and Contribution Amount

The next feature added to this release is the ability to combine the tipping amount and the contribution amount in one single transaction. Without using this feature, the tip amount can increase on small transactions due to Stripe’s processing fees (2.7% + $0.50 per successful charge). For example, if you do not have this feature turned on, and you were to add a 10% tip to a $1.00 donation, the tip amount would come down to a total of $0.60 since there are 2 transactions that are being processed.

With the Combine Tip and Contribution Amount, you will not have to worry about higher tipping charges. As per the previous example for the 10% tip on the $1.00 donation, you would only be adding a $0.10 tip.

This feature can be found in the admin dashboard –> Portal Settings –> Website Settings –> Website Tipping.


Combine Tip and Contribution Amount Feature
Combine Tip and Contribution Amount Feature

Once you turn on the website tipping, you can then enable the Combine Tip and Contribution Amount. Once this is saved, you will be able to see the appropriate tip amount in the checkout user interface.

Checkout User Interface With Combined Tip
Checkout User Interface with Combined Tip Enabled

Deprecating the Guest Checkout

We have decided to deprecate the Guest checkout to save time with potential confusion for future users. To substitute the Guest checkout, for those who may potentially still be using it, the automatic replacement will be Express checkout. So if you have the Guest checkout enabled, it will now use the Express checkout instead. The Guest checkout can no longer be viewed in the Inline Contributions section.

Inline Contribution Options
Inline Contribution Options

Express checkout allows users to add their first name, last name, and email address as per the screenshot below:

Express Checkout User Interface
Express Checkout User Interface

Express checkout is more simple to use than Guest checkout, as it records user information without them needing to create a new profile on the platform.

Labeling Connected Stripe Accounts

You can now label the Stripe accounts that are connected to the campaigns (when using marketplace mode/direct transactions OFF). This can be done by clicking on the Payment Settings from the account dropdown menu.

Click on Payment Settings
Click on Payment Settings
Add a label to your Stripe account
Add a label to your Stripe account

When you are using marketplace mode via the payment settings in the admin dashboard, campaign creators must connect the Stripe account to the campaign. In this scenario, you can create your own label for the Stripe account. This can prevent confusion as to which Stripe account you are using for the campaign as per the screenshot below.

Labelling Stripe Accounts
Labeling Stripe Accounts

Scroll To Bottom

Another update that you may notice on your platform, is the Scroll To Bottom icon that you see on the bottom right corner of the page. It sits beside the scroll to top feature as you can see below:

Scrolling Features
Scrolling Features

We added this so you can quickly get to the bottom of the page to save settings in the admin dashboard. It can also be used throughout the entire website on desktop views.

Extend Campaign End Date

This feature allows campaign creators and portal admins to quickly extend the end date via the Admin dashboard and the My Campaigns area for regular users.

If you are a regular user running a campaign on the site, you can easily extend the end date of the campaign by choosing My Campaigns from the profile menu, then clicking on the Extend Campaign button.

Click on My Campaigns
Click on My Campaigns
Click on the Extend Campaign button
Click on the Extend Campaign button

The user will then be prompted with the following popup:

Extend Campaign Date Feature
Extend Campaign Date Feature

If you are a portal admin, you can find the exact same pop by going to the admin dashboard –> Campaigns –> in the Actions column click select –> Extend Campaign.

Extend Campaign Option
Extend Campaign Option

You will see the same popup as shown previously.

Other Updates

Removal of Reach UI Theme and free Reach Crowdfunding Platform

Our core focus will remain to be features for Thrinacia Atlas Web UI, Core API, addition of new Web Components and light themes. For this reason, we regret to inform those who are currently using or planning to use the Reach CrowdFunding platform that it is scheduled to be removed on October, 31st, 2020. You will no longer be able to access the Reach CrowdFunding platform or any of the campaign data after that date. You may also notice that we are not advertising Reach on our site anymore.

In addition to the removal of the free Reach CrowdFunding platform, we will also be removing our Reach UI Theme. This is a theme offered when subscribing to Atlas, and will no longer be available due to maintenance reasons and our core focus being new light themes as well as other features.

Removal of the Web UI WordPress Plugin

Another item scheduled for removal is the Web UI WordPress plugin. We are no longer advertising the feature on our main website and will be removing it from the wordpress plugin directory & Thrinacia GitHub account.

Thrinacia Atlas Plan Changes

We have updated the plans you see on the Atlas pricing page. There are now only 3 plans to choose from with distinct features and to allow for new premium features we are adding to our systems. All clients using the legacy plans will not be affected.

We hope you enjoy these awesome new features and updates. Let us know if you have any questions by joining our live Discord chat, and keep up to date with the next release by checking out the following category on our blog.