Thrinacia Atlas Changelog: New Takeoff Lite Theme

Thrinacia Atlas Changelog – 2020-11-06
Thrinacia Atlas Changelog – 2020-11-06

This week we have a new lightweight CSS theme called Takeoff that we are introducing as a part of our suite of lite core UI themes. You can use this theme when subscribed to the Atlas scale plan or Enterprise Solution.

Thrinacia Atlas Changelog – 2020-11-06

Introducing the new Takeoff lite theme!

Takeoff Lite Theme
Takeoff Lite Theme
Explore Page
Explore Page


Campaign Page
Campaign Page

If you are looking for a unique look for platform as a startup, than this theme has a look that can help your company and the campaigns on the site takeoff to success.

In order to receive access to this theme, you will need to be subscribed to the Scale plan or Enterprise Solution.

Once subscribed to one of the above plans, you can contact or create a ticket in and request to receive access to the lite them. We will add the lite theme CSS to your custom folder.

Please note that if you would like to change some of the lite theme colors, this can be done via the CSS from the lite theme custom CSS.

We hope you enjoy using this fantastic theme. Feel free to ask us any questions you may have on our Discord chat, and follow our weekly updates on our blog.