Things to Prepare for Any Crowdfunding Campaign

Launching a crowdfunding campaign pretty much counts as a preparatory phase because it involves the gathering of funds which will be used for your grand execution. But preparing a crowdfunding page will take a lot more time and effort than you think. Part of the goal is getting your backers to trust you so you need to get all of the elements of your crowdfunding page right the first time. To make the preparation less stressful, here are a few things that you can individually prepare before you can worry about building your page.


Crowdfunding normally introduces a new product or service to a targeted audience. So why not hit two birds with one stone and use it as an opportunity to promote your brand or company too. Making a logo for your brand is a good start. Spend as much time as you can in designing this logo even if it means hiring a professional because making an eye-catching logo gives potential backers confidence that you will succeed. If your company already has a logo, you should consider making a logo for your product or service too.

Main Website

While it is important to be very informative to your backers through your main crowdfunding page, it is also a good idea to have a home website too. Making a website from scratch gives you more freedom when it comes to presenting the stuff that is present in your crowdfunding page. It will also serve as your primary site for your backers to go to after you crowdfunding campaign ends. Don’t forget to use the logos you made earlier on your website.

Domain Names

Both the campaign page and main website should have their own domain names to make it easy for backers to come back to your site and check for updates. Both the Thrinacia “Build” and “Scale” plans allow you to use your own domain.


You can’t expect every backer to check out your website in hopes for an update. It is better if you notify each backer directly so they can immediately check out your updated crowdfunding page, website and/or blog. Making a newsletter sign up form on your crowdfunding page serves as a great direct channel to your backers.


The video one of the most important elements of a crowdfunding page. Expect any visitor who might consider sending money to you to watch your video first. Therefore, the video must be presented well in an honest and ambitious way.