The Pros and Cons for Crowdfunding your next big Event

How to create a Crowdfunding campaign for your next big event
How to create a Crowdfunding campaign for your next big event

Are you looking to Crowdfunding for your next concert, meetup, seminar, webinar, or other events? This tutorial will explain how you can use specific Crowdfunding software to create your next event Crowdfunding campaign, and save money along the way.

The type of event

No matter what event you want to Crowdfund for, this article will be explaining a method and solution so that you or your company can add your next event Crowdfunding campaign on your own website and track all of the data necessary to follow through with creating the event that you are planning.

Many events take time and effort to plan, not to mention a budget. Depending on your budget, you may want to look for a way to fund the event before you begin to plan it. Instead of hoping that you will generate enough revenue from the ticket or other sales, you could instead create a Crowdfunding campaign to allow those who want the event to happen, to donate towards the cause. This is a really great way to test and see if the event will be successful enough before creating the event, or taking the time and effort to begin the physical planning. This is called Crowdfunding for presales. You can create a rewards based Crowdfunding campaign, and allow the potential attendees to buy early bird tickets to your event. Using the right technology, you can offer rewards for your Crowdfunding campaign.

There are many Crowdfunding platforms that will allow you to add rewards for your early bird tickets. This may be good, but the reason why many individuals and companies are using these popular platforms, is to gain other potential backers. Unfortunately, when it comes to planning events, your potential backer will likely be limited to your giographical area, or not be using the platform that is hosting the campaign. Taking this into consideration, you may not want to pursue a typical Crowdfunding platform for this particular scenario as the platform may not serve any purpose if it cannot provide more potential backers. Not to mention that each Crowdfunding platform will take a transaction fee (typically 5% – 15%) on each of the donations to the campaign.

Choosing the right technology

Now that you understand the limitations of using a typical Crowdfunding platform, you can narrow your decision down to a more simplified solution that will save you money, and look much more professional by catering to your potential backers. The Atlas white label Crowdfunding platform will allow you to add any Crowdfunding campaign to your website via simple HTML code. It will also allow you to fully white label the entire campaign so that it looks like you or your company created the campaign. The Atlas platform will allow you to host the Crowdfunding campaign on your own website, or create your won Crowdfunding platform if you would like to be running many different event Crowdfunding campaigns simultaneously.

How to run the campaign

If you are using the right technology, it should allow you to run the proper type of campaign. For example, if you need to keep all of the donations for the event, you can run a KiA (Keep it All) campaign. For the majority, however, it is recommended to be running a AoN (All or Nothing) campaign to test and see if you can gain the right amount of funding before moving forward with the event. This is usually the consensus when it comes to creating a Crowdfunding campaign for your event. The idea is that you want to make sure the event will be successfully funded before launching it, and the Crowdfunding campaign will take the donations from those that would like to attend the event by offering early bird access to tickets, and other interesting rewards.

When the campaign is successful, you can export the data via CSV (if using the Atlas solution) and send the early bird ticket to your users, track emails that have donated for other promotional material, and use the information for your accounting. As you can see, there are several key advantages to use a white label product rather than spending time creating a campaign on the popular Crowdfunding platforms that are used today. Learn more by watching the following video: