The best time to launch a Crowdfunding campaign

launching crowdfunding campaign date
Choosing the launching day for your Crowdfunding campaign

Are you preparing to launch your Crowdfunding campaign? If so, you may want to know when is the best time to launch my Crowdfunding campaign? In this article, we will cover when is the most effective day and time to launch a Crowdfunding campaign.

Before learning about the best times to launch a Crowdfunding campaign, it should be noted that without any prior marketing, your campaign will likely not gain any traction when you launch. If you are not already familiar, you should be creating a pre-launch campaign. If you launch your campaign at the perfect time without generating any following, you will not gain the donations needed to make use of the launch timing. Make sure that your first few backers know when you are going to launch before the first day of the campaign.

Once you are sure that the campaign will be receiving donations from the marketing of your pre-launch campaign, it is time to release the launch day. You need to figure out, what day, and time you want to launch the campaign.

Choosing the launching day

Choosing the launching day should be based mostly on the pre-launch campaign. Give yourself at least a week to prepare for the day so that all of your social media posts will look professional for the launching day. To choose the day of the week, you can see based on the data presented by Backercamp, that Wednesday’s typically receive the most donations on the Crowdfunding platforms. If you have to choose a day, then choosing a Wednesday may be the best day of the week for your Crowdfunding campaign. Although Wednesdays receive the most donations, if your target market is likely working during the weekdays, then it may not be the best day. You need to know your backer persona to decide on which day is the right day.

Deciding on the right time of day

Based on the information of your backer persona, you can choose an appropriate time to launch the campaign. Again, as stated by Backercamp’s medium article, it seems that 1:00pm is the most active. I would make sure that your target backer community will not be occupied during those hours, so they have an easy time donating to the campaign as soon as you launch.

Make sure you are launching on a suitable day and time based on your backer persona, if the date, and time as mentioned above align with your particular group of backers, then this is a plus. Each campaigns target backers vary, but as a general rule of thumb, Wednesdays at 1:00pm would likely be your highest volume for backers.