Successful Crowdfunding campaigns of 2017


2017 has been a great year for Crowdfunding, as there had been many new campaigns that were funded along with new platforms being made. Campaigns like Filecoin broke the funding records for 2017, while other campaigns surpassed their funding goal in a short amount of time. Some of 2017 notable Crowdfunding campaigns include:


As breaking the highest paid ICO Crowdfunding campaign in 2017, Filecoin raised $257,000,000 USD. This blockchain-based storage network and cryptocurrency campaign was able to surpass the ongoing StarCitizen. Using Ethereum, Filecoin’s campaign ended on September 7, 2017. Check out Filecoin.

GPD Pocket

This innovative campaign with 8,358 backers was able to raise $3,567,642 USD on the Indiegogo platform. It is a tiny pocket computer able to run either Ubuntu or Windows 10, with various other different capabilities. Take a look at GPD Pocket.

Kingdom Death Monster 1.5

From Kickstarter comes the Kingdom Death Monster 1.5. This horror board game raised $12,393,139 USD. Players need to go to battle while building a civilization and comes with detailed miniatures. Check out the Kingdom Death Monster 1.5.

ALS | Chad Kendrick

Here is one of the most funded GoFundMe projects of 2017. Chad Kendrick was diagnosed with ALS shortly after his son was born. Out of the $100,000 goal, Chad has so far reached over $70,000! Take a look at this GoFundMe campaign: ALS Chad Kendrick

Star Citizen

You cannot list successful Crowdfunding campaigns without adding in Star Citizen. Since moving from Kickstarter to their own independent Crowdfunding platform on the Star Citizen website, this ongoing video game Crowdfunding campaign has so far raised $175,689,859+ USD. It continues to keep making money through offering great rewards for players before releasing the game. Take a look at the campaign.

This year’s successful Crowdfunding campaigns of 2017 came from multiple different Crowdfunding platforms and types of projects. Overall, this year was great for Crowdfunding in general. Over the years, there has been Billions raised, and new types of Crowdfunding forming. We have seen the rise of ICO in 2017 to be a promising form of Crowdfunding in the future.