Stripe Payment Capabilities for Crowdfunding

What does Stripe offer in terms of payment options that you can use on your crowdfunding portal? Stripe has a suite of options available that can be integrated on top of the credit card payments. In this article we will go over those and explain the advantages of Stripe as an payment gateway.

These alternative payment methods could be crucial and create an advantage, if you’re building a crowdfunding website with Thrinacia or even setting up a single campaign. Especially if a certain crowdfunding model type is restricting you to operate properly. You can introduce additional payment options.

1. Bitcoin Capability

Bitcoin has grown significantly in popularity over the last few years and could be an important digital currency of the future. It’s an payment option that can certainly be considered. It has very low transactional fees in comparison with other payment types.

Stripe charges just 0.8% per successful Bitcoin transaction, capped at $5. It’s an simple integration process through Stripe to have it setup on your portal. A few platforms recently have caught on and integrated within their websites.


2. ACH Debit Payments

ACH payments on Stripe cost just 0.80%, capped at $5 with no monthly fees or verification fees. This direct bank payment type could be very useful under all crowdfunding models as an option. Particularly equity crowdfunding websites would be interested and benefit in ACH payments.

As they have much lower fees than credit cards and can be used easier on large amounts. Even amounts being charged on a recurring basis. Let’s not forget some people may not have access to credit cards or have limits imposed. ACH support is tightly integrated with the rest of Stripe.

Visa Card
Visa Card

3. Stripe + Alipay

Alipay is the most widely used third-party online payments service provider in China. There almost 100 million daily transaction and over 400 million active users. Stripe has support for Alipay to Checkout. Alipay can be enabled in the dasbhoard, which then Chinese customers can see as an option type.

Tapping into a billion-person market can certainly be an option if you see it fit within your campaigns.

Stripe itself is an excellent payment processor, with the lowest industry rates. But as you can see it offers many additional payment types and features that you may not find elsewhere.

One major thing worth mentioning as well is the smarter saved cards. This feature from Stripe is very convenient, especially with subscriptions  and recurring payments. For example if the expiry date or the number has changed, Stripe works directly with the card’s network so that customer can continue using the subscription without disruptions. An automated process, whereas with other processors you would have to enter it manually again.