Stripe and CrowdFunding

Thrinacia And Stripe
Thrinacia Inc and Stripe Partnership

Does Stripe support Crowdfunding, or allow you to process transactions for your Crowdfunding campaign? The answer is yes, and Stripe is one of the commonly used payment processors for Crowdfunding campaigns. In this article, we are going to explore the platforms that are using Stripe for Crowdfunding purposes, the verified partnership, and how you can use Stripe to process the transactions for your next Crowdfunding campaign.

Who is using Stripe?

Stripe is one of the most used payment processors. Many Crowdfunding platforms are using Stripe for their preferred payment processor. Since the platform is safe and reliable, it is used by many different Crowdfunding companies and platforms such as Thrinacia, Indiegogo, Kickstarter, and GoFundMe. These are some of the largest Crowdfunding companies and platforms available today.

Using Stripe for Crowdfunding

If you are thinking of running a Crowdfunding campaign, and trust Stripe to handle the payments, but would rather not use one of the platforms as mentioned above, you can use alternative ways to process the transactions. You may also require a customized workflow in regards to processing transactions for the campaigns. If this is something you or your organization may need, you can manipulate how the campaign transactions are processed.

There are two ways to manipulate the way that the transactions are processed.

Using Thrinacia

Thrinacia provides Crowdfunding technology to own and operate your own Crowdfunding platform, and run customized Crowdfunding campaigns on any website. Atlas is the white label solutions that will allow you to run any rewards and donations based Crowdfunding campaign on any site that you want. After purchasing the Atlas subscription plan, you will have access to the administrator dashboard, and front end source code to manipulate the functionality and look/feel of the website.

Administrator Dashbaord the admin dashboard
Administrator Dashboard

Thrinacia is a verified Stripe partner, meaning that Thrinacia is using Stripe as the payment gateway for the different products and services. By joining the Stripe Verified Partner program, our mutual customers will now benefit from the combination of Thrinacia’s unique CrowdFunding technology combined with latest features that Stripe’s highly advanced payment processing platform provides. Learn more by reading this article.

Developing yourself

Stripe also offers help when trying to create a Crowdfunding platform from scratch (e.g. write all code yourself). You can see the advice that Stripe offers by reading this article. It explains how to build a brand new platform and code from ground up, how to add new users, collect the payment information, perform the charges and so on. Although this may seem like an inexpensive solution, if you are developing the code and features yourself, it may take you a long time to do it. It is therefore recommended that you use a pre-built white label solution such as Thrinacia Atlas which you can customize to speed up the process and inherit more capabilities. For more information you can watch the below video: