Social media tips for your Crowdfunding campaign


You may be thinking of launching your own Crowdfunding campaign, and have realized that you need to be marketing this campaign on particular Social media platforms. You may be wondering what are the best practices when it comes to social media marketing for a Crowdfunding campaign? Here are some tips which may help:

Choosing the platform

If you are in the research phase of the campaign, this is the perfect time to figure out where your target market has profiles that you can further market to them. The largest number of users are on Facebook over all other social media platforms. Depending on the demographic, you can target the particular platform that your market will most likely interact with. If you are targeting millennials, you may want to use both Facebook and Instagram. Many millennials spend more time on Instagram than Facebook.

Attracting potential backers

Whatever platform that you are going to use, you need to gain the attention of your potential backer. This is quite possibly the hardest task in social media marketing. There are several ways that you can do this. The most important tip is to offer a reward. This way it gives the user an incentive to click on your post, or share it with a friend, or follow your page. A great suggestion is to conduct a contest!

Your best bet for gaining the right audience is to look at other successful campaigns that are similar to yours or would have access to your target market. Deploy the same, or similar strategy as that campaign.

Gathering info

Once you found the platforms that would gain the most interaction, you need to gather these potential backers into one place. And there are multiple ways to do this. It would be best to bring them to your landing page. Landing pages are where you can promote your product the best, and provides the best user experience compared to a Facebook page, or other social media account. If a landing page is not within the budget, then you would have to simply use a Facebook page or other social media page as the hub for your campaign. Take into considerations, however, you can lose the users attention with other distractions on Facebook when using this method. Whereas using a landing page, you can completely control the environment. Take a look at the best practices for creating a landing page for your Crowdfunding campaign. If you decide to create a landing page, be sure to host the campaign on that landing page using the Sedra widget.

Now that you understand the importance of where you are directing your potential backers, you need to extract info. It is best to get an email address from someone who is interested in your particular product. This way you can directly notify them of any type of updates your campaign has.

Be sure to use all of the relevant social media platforms that your target market can potentially find you on. Bring them to the hub of your choice, and gather the info needed so you can further pursue the potential backer.