Should I post my charity campaign on a platform or create a new website?

Choosing the right solution for your campaign
Choosing the right solution for your campaign

Are you planning on creating a campaign for your charity? If so, you may be contemplating about posting the campaign on a platform or create your own site to generate the donations for the campaign. This article will help guide, and offer solutions that are affordable and easy for anyone to use.

Your options

First, there are many options out there that your charity organization or campaign can benefit from. To easily narrow down the options that you are going to be using, you have to understand some of the key deciding factors:

  • Your budget
  • The time you have to spend
  • The funding goal
  • Campaign dates such as start and end date of the campaign

Your decision on how you want to conduct the campaign should be based on the resources that are available. Once you know and have configured all of the above points, you can start looking into your options.

Based on the above points mentioned, is it in your best interest to use a Crowdfunding platform, or develop the ability to donate to the campaign on your organizations website?

Let us explore the different options for both…

Using a Platform

If you are planning on using a platform, you should be aware of the following. Platforms typically take a percentage fee for each donation to the campaign. Make sure if you are using a platform, you understand what percentage fee they are taking from the campaign, as this is something that even the donors may want to understand as well.

Which platform is good for my campaign?

In general, you can use the most popular types of platforms for your charity campaign. Below some of the most popular charity platforms:

  1. GoFundMe – This is a general donations based platforms that are typically for charity, and personal fundraising campaigns
  2. Mightycause – This platform is specifically designed for charity campaigns. You also have the ability to pay for particular features that may be useful for your organization.
  3. FundRazr – This for individuals, non-profits, and orgainzations. It does not come with the paid services but has raised a lot of money in the past for various campaigns.
  4. Crowdrise – Another platform that offers free, and paid services for the non-profits, and organizations that want to little bit more for their charity organization.
  5. Reach – This is a 100% free Crowdfunding platform which does not take a percentage fee. You can create any campaign you want, and use the Sedra widget to host the entire campaign on any website.

One reason that many people want to use a platform, is because they do not have the time or money to develop a website that would allow users to donate to the campaign. Also, platforms may generate more donations depending on the initial success of the fundraising campaign.

Now for those that do not want to settle on using a platform, and would require more of a fully professional, and custom experience for their backers, you can use technology to cheaply, and quickly create a donation feature on your website

Creating a new Charity website with a donation feature

If you are considering to use a website, and want to add a donation feature, you have the ability to use Crowdfunding software at a very affordable $39.99 USD per month. This will allow you to create as many Crowdfunding campaigns as you want without having to pay a percentage fee to a platform.


As you can see, this type of technology can be very powerful for those charity organizations looking to run a single campaign or even multiple campaigns. And in many cases, it is a less expensive solution for those that require to use their own branding for the charity organization.