Thrinacia Reach and Sedra Reward Attribute Feature Added


New Thrinacia Reach and Thrinacia Sedra Widget feature has been released, which gives ability for users to add attributes to their rewards. This new feature allows you to set custom reward level attributes. For example, if your reward is a t-shirt, you could define the different colors or designs that you are offering. You can have any number of custom reward attributes, that user can select. Previously this feature was only available on our Thrinacia Atlas v1 Web UI but now it’s available on the Thrinacia Reach network as well as on our Sedra Widget.

Start by creating the reward for your campaign, then create a name for the attribute. In the example above is the color for the different t-shirts. You can then add the values for the attribute. In this case, there are blue and black colors to choose from when choosing the t-shirt reward. Users will see the reward as follows.

screenshot_from_2017-10-31_09-37-47Once a user chooses the reward, they can choose from the drop-down menu of available reward attributes and they can select which one they want to use as per screenshot below.
