Reaching your target audience for a Crowdfunding Campaign – Quick Tips

There are several underlying factors that we should look for when trying to reach our target audience in our campaigns on the web. Depending on what we are trying to promote we must think about becoming a part of larger community of users. A group we can connect with and engage in relevant conversations. We must first think about identifying our audience. I have included a good example of how “artists” can identify their audience.

Forums can be valuable if they are identified properly. There may be a large following of users on a forum that is specifically tied to your campaign. Just engaging in relevant conversation with the users and talking about similar topics can make them want to learn what project you’re working on.

The same ideas can be applied onto linkedin groups and facebook as well. There are so many users that are constantly in discussion over different topics. Many different groups and communities exist that are directly related to your campaign. Making connections, posting relevant topics, answering questions and general discussion will go a long way towards success.

Below is video from Amy Lesnick the Head of Social Innovation and Non-Profits, Indiegogo, where she is talking about how crowdfunding has become a unique transformational tool.

Also I would mention that Google+ communities and Twitter are other excellent social media channels and sources. They are great ways of connecting with people, being involved in the discussions, promoting yourself and creating your own channels of communication.