Portal Admin – Portal Settings Tutorial

This blog post will teach you about some the functionality and provide an overview of how to use Portal Settings in the Administrator Dashboard.

  • Once you have logged in as Portal Admin you can click on the icon in the top right corner.  This will open up the My Dashboard menu, click on Administration.


  • Once you have entered the Administrator Dashboard you will see several tabs near the top of the page, click on Portal Settings.  You will then see several more tabs displayed below, the first being Theme Settings.
  • For any updates that are made in any of the tabs be sure to always click the Save button and then refresh the page to view the changes.

Theme Settings

In Theme Settings you can update and edit many aspect of your website. You can edit the content and  change the look and feel of your website in Theme Settings.


  • Upload an image for the Website Favicon, Website Logo, and Background Images by clicking the Upload Image button in the corresponding row.  The Website Favicon image will display in the browser’s address bar and next to the page’s name in a list of bookmarks. The Website Logo image will display in the top left corner of your site and act as a home button.  The Main Page Background Preview and Explore Page Background Preview are the banner images for your sites home page and explore page respectively.
  • Update the name of your website in the Website input field.
  • You can update which links you would like to display in the navbar and footer. Click on the Website Menus drop down menu and select an option to update. To add a link click on the Add Page drop down and select an option. To remove a link click in the check box beside a link item and then click the Remove From Menu button.
  • You can change the theme color for many aspects of the website, (Button, Banner, Font, etc.). Click on the Theme Color drop down menu and select the item that you would like to update.  A list of colors will display on the right, click on the appropriate color.
  • Select whether categories are displayed in the footer or on the main page by selecting one or both of the Category Display check boxes.
  • Update Home Page Content by clicking on one of the drop down menu options and updating the input fields, text fields, font colors, font families, and displayed projects.
  • Update Explore Page Content and Footer Content by editing the respective input fields.
  • Once you are done editing the theme settings click on the Save Theme Settings button and then refresh the page to view updates.

Website Settings


  • To add social media icon links to your site click on the Social Media Links drop down menu and select an option. An input field will display on the right, enter a link to your organizations corresponding profile page. The social media icon link will not be displayed for any option with an input field that is left blank.
  • Enter the email address into the Website Send Email input field that you would like users you receive any automatic website emails from.
  • Enter the email address into the Website Receive Email input field that you would like users to reply or send any website emails to.
  • Select an option from the Inline Contributions drop down menu. This is will update which users are permitted to make contributions.
  • Once you are done editing the website settings click on the Save Website Settings button and then refresh the page to view the updates.

Campaign Settings


  • Click on the Campaign Display check box to either hide all campaigns from display if unchecked or display campaigns if checked.
  • Edit the corresponding input field to update the No Campaign Message that users will receive if there are no campaigns.
  • In the Campaign Raise Modes row select one or both types of funding modes by clicking in the check box beside the corresponding option, (All or Nothing Funding Mode and Keep it All Funding Mode). Select which type of charge will be used for that funding mode, (Direct Charge or Post Charge) by clicking in the corresponding radio button. Finally select which type of funding mode will be set as the default by selecting an option from the drop down menu on the right.
  • In the Campaign Contribute Options row select whether the Contribute button will be displayed. The Contribute button is used for non-reward contributions. If selected a Minimum Contribution input field will be displayed enter the dollar amount that is to be displayed to users.
  • Click on the Campaign Dates check box to either hide campaign start dates from display if unchecked or display start date if checked.
  • Once you are done editing the campaign settings click on the Save Campaign Settings button and then refresh the page to view the updates.

Payment Settings


  • Please follow this tutorial for detailed instructions on how to setup and configure a Stripe account for your crowdfunding portal. Once you have completed the steps in that tutorial then continue reading the following instructions.
  • Enter the percentage amount, (between 0 and 100) that your site will take per campaign dollar raised into the Transaction Fee input field.
  • Follow the instructions at the top of the Stripe Settings page to retrieve the Client ID, Secret Key and Publishable Key. Enter the values into the corresponding input field.
  • Select the country in which your Stripe account is held from the Account Country drop down menu.
  • Enter the currency types that your site is able to accept into the Campaign Currency input field. You can also scroll through and click on the appropriate currencies.
  • Once you are done editing the Stripe settings click on the Save Stripe Settings button and then refresh the page to view the updates.
  • Copy URL beside Redirect URL and paste it into your Stripe application under Redirect URIs.

Disqus Settings


  • You will need to setup Disqus account and website . Once done, copy the website shortname and paste it into the input field. Shortname is the Disqus URL without .disqus.com suffix.
  • Once you are done editing the Disqus settings click on the Save Disqus Settings button and then refresh the page to view the updates.

Widget Settings



  • To update the contact form select Contact Form from the drop down menu and then enter the email address into the input field below. This email address will receive message that are sent through the contact form.
  • Select WordPress from the drop down menu to add a WordPress API URL into your site. Click in the Display In Footer check box to have the latest blog post excerpts display in the footer.
  • Select Twitter from the drop down menu to add Twitter Widget Code into your site. Click in the Display In Footer check box to have your organizations latest Twitter feeds display in the footer.
  • Once you are done editing the widget settings click on the Save Widget Settings button and then refresh the page to view the updates.

Custom Settings


  • Use this setting to add one or multiple custom fields to the bottom of the Individual Profile or the Business Profile page for campaign creation.


  • Start by select Personal Profile Section or Business Profile Section from the dropdown menu.
  • Enter the custom field name into the input field. Click the Add Field button to add an additional custom field.
  • Click the Save Custom Fields button once you are done editing.
  • Select the remaining option, (Personal Profile Section or Business Profile Section) to add custom fields to that  profile type.

Email Notifications



  • Click on a row to edit that particular email notification.



  • You can edit the subject in the Email Subject input field.
  • Click it the text box to update the email body. Click on the Toggle HTML button to view and edit the HTML code.
  • Once you have clicked on the Toggle HTML button you can click can insert tokens into the body of the email.  Click in the text box where you would like to place the token. Select a token from the drop down menu, (ex. First name of person…) and then click the Insert Token button.
  • Once you are done editing the email notification click on the Save Changes button. Click the Reset button to return the email body back to it’s original state.