Payment Settings – Test Mode and Live Mode

This tutorial will explain how to configure Payment Settings for Stripe Test Mode and Live Mode.

If you have not configured your Stripe Account and Payment Settings yet then please review this tutorial for an overview on how to setup and configure a Stripe account for your crowdfunding portal.

IMPORTANT NOTE: When ready to switch from Test Mode to Live Mode you should NOT use campaigns that you created in Test Mode as live campaigns.  Live campaigns must have been created in Live Mode. This tutorial will explain this point further.

Configuring Test Mode and Creating Campaigns

  • Select Administration from the MyDashboards dropdown menu.




  •  Go to Portal Settings > Payment Settings. Scroll down to Stripe Modes and ensure that the settings are set to test by clicking on the Test Mode button.




  • In a separate browser window log into your Stripe account and click on the Your account in the top right corner of the dashboard. Click on the Account Settings option in the drop down menu.




  • Click on Connect on the top navigation menu and copy the contents in the client_id field under Development. Return to Payment Settings on your site and  paste the contents into the Client ID field.




  • Return to Stripe and click on Account Settings > API Keys and copy the contents in the Test Secret Key field. Return to Payment Settings on your site and  paste the contents into the Secret Key field.




  • Return to Stripe Account Settings > API Keys and copy the contents in the Test Publishable Key field. Return to the Payment Settings on your site and  paste the contents into the Publishable Key field.


  • Complete the remainder of the Payment Settings form and then click the Save Stripe Connect Values button and then click the Ok button in the pop up. Click the Save Payment Settings button and then click the Ok button in the pop up.


  • Now you are ready to create a campaign in Test Mode. Please review this tutorial for an overview of creating new campaigns and this tutorial for an overview on creating a campaign and connecting your Stripe account to that campaign. When you get to the Funding step of the campaign creation process click the Connect with Stripe button and then complete the Stripe form.  Ensure that you choose Test Account from the Choose Existing Stripe Account/Connection drop down menu on the Funding step of the campaign creation process.




  • Once you have finished creating the campaign go into Portal Settings > Campaigns and approve the campaign.


  • To test contributing to a campaign in Test Mode log out of your site and then sign up as a new user. Visit the campaign that you just created and click on one of the rewards or the Contribute button. In the Payment Information section you can use one of Stripe’s test credit card number, (e.x. 4242 4242 4242 4242) and enter any date in the future in the Expiration Date fields and any three number into the CVC Security Code field. Note: Stripe will not actually transfer any funds in Test Mode.





Configuring Live Mode and Creating Campaigns

It is worth noting a second time that when you are ready to switch from Test Mode to Live Mode you should NOT use campaigns that you created in Test Mode as live campaigns.  Live campaigns must have been created in Live Mode.

  • Select Administration from the MyDashboards dropdown menu. Go to Portal Settings > Payment Settings. Scroll down to Stripe Modes and ensure that the settings are set to live by clicking on the Live Mode button.




  • In a separate browser window log into your Stripe account and click on the Your account in the top right corner of the dashboard. Click on the Account Settings option in the dropdown menu.




  • Click on Connect on the top navigation menu and copy the contents in the client_id field under Production. Return to Payment Settings on your site and  paste the contents into the Client ID field.




  • Return to Stripe and click on Account Settings > API Keys and copy the contents in the Live Secret Key field. Return to Payment Settings on your site and  paste the contents into the Secret Key field.




  • Return to Stripe Account Settings > API Keys and copy the contents in the Live Publishable Key field. Return to the Payment Settings on your site and  paste the contents into the Publishable Key field.


  • Complete the remainder of the Payment Settings form and then click the Save Stripe Connect Values button and then click the Ok button in the pop up. Click the Save Payment Settings button and then click the Ok button in the pop up.


  • Now you are ready to create a campaign in Live Mode. Please review this tutorial for an overview of creating new campaigns and this tutorial for an overview on creating a campaign and connecting your Stripe account to that campaign. When you get to the Funding step of the campaign creation process click the Connect with Stripe and then complete the Stripe form.  Ensure that you choose Live Account from the Choose Existing Stripe Account/Connection drop down menu on the Funding step of the campaign creation process.




  • Once you have finished creating the campaign go into Portal Settings > Campaigns and approve the campaign.


  • To test contributing to a campaign in Live Mode log out of your site and then sign up as a new user. Visit the campaign that you just created and click on one of the rewards or the Contribute button, (note: in Live Mode Stripe will transfer your contribution and deduct transaction fees so it is best to test by contributing a small amount, e.x. $1.00). In the Payment Information section use the information from a valid credit card, including: name on card, card number, expiration date, and CVC security code.

