This tutorial will explain how to configure Payment Settings for Stripe Test Mode and Live Mode.
Thrinacia Introduces a Free 14 Day Trial
Thrinacia’s team is excited to announce the introduction of the free seven day trial period for the experiment plan.
Reaching your target audience for a Crowdfunding Campaign – Quick Tips
There are several underlying factors that we should look for when trying to reach our target audience in our campaigns on the web.
Always Have This Reward Tier When Launching a Crowdfunding Effort for a Product
He’s a reward tier that can give a nice boost to your early fundraising phase.
Twilight 1.3 Release Announcement
Thrinacia Team is pleased to announce the general availability of Twilight 1.3 Release.
How to Build a Successful Crowdfunding Platform
How does one go about building, scaling and marketing a crowdfunding website?
Don’t of the Day: Forgetting About Shipping Costs
People who back a specific tier that involves a physical item as a reward will most definitely expect it if you hit your funding goal.
The Future of Niche Crowdfunding Platforms
Tailored user experience and the strength of the communities on niche crowdfunding platforms increases the success rate for campaigns.
Don’t of the Day: Not Updating your Backers
One of the biggest don’ts in the crowdfunding scene yet a lot of creators are guilty of this.
All About Stretch Goals Part 1: Advantages
Thinking of adding stretch goals? Check out the first part of this series which highlights the advantages.