This question gets asked a lot by people looking to get started with their crowdfunding campaigns.
What makes your campaign successful?
How do we measure success with a typical crowdfunding campaign in a rewards model?
Internal Crowdfunding for Companies
We are seeing the next generation of crowdfunding projects being launched and now larger corporations are getting involved.
Reach 1.4 Release Announcement
Thrinacia Team is pleased to announce the general availability of Reach 1.4 Release.
Crowdfunding Secrets
These are some points to consider that hold great values in successful crowdfunding campaigns.
Crowdfunding and Product Innovation
Typically many new products and companies entering the markets may struggle to find the proper funding and exposure needed for success.
Crowdfunding Advantages of Reward and Donation Based Model
We’re at a point now where the crowdfunding industry is growing by billions of dollars each year.
Websites with Custom Changes
Thrinacia handles custom website changes and future automatic updates as per following.
Why should Thrinacia Software be considered when thinking about Crowdfunding?
Thrinacia recently announced it’s new plan priced at only $39.99/mo.
Crowdfunding Predictions for 2016
What’s the crowdfunding scene going to be like in 2016? Here are some of my predictions.