This blog tutorial will explain how to implement custom payment gateway with Thrinacia Atlas at the front-end AngularJS level.
Eat My Lunch CrowdFunding Seeking To Raise $1 Million To Expand Their Network
Eat My Lunch crowdfunding shares unique projects that help improve business lives in Wellington.
Equity crowdfunding, a diversified way of investing
Equity Crowdfunding is bringing together entrepreneurs and investors.
What are the Advantages of Crowdfunding
It may not be likely to put into numbers the advantages of crowdfunding. But the ones listed were the familiar advantages and were never in question.
Email Notifications and Templates
In this short tutorial, we will show how to use and adjust each email template found in the Email Notifications tab in the Administrator Dashboard.
Thrinacia General Developer’s Guide
If you’re a developer and looking to make custom adjustments to your Thrinacia standalone Web UI, here’s a quick general guide to help.
Webhooks Example Responses
Here are some example responses that you will receive from the Webhooks to help you process them.
Thrinacia Reach Service Launches and Exits Private BETA
Thrinacia is pleased to announce that Reach service and advanced website crowdfunding widget powered by our core Atlas engine has launched today.
We have added new feature allowing you to set callback URL’s (webhooks) for various background processing events.
Website Page Loader or Page Loading Spinner
The website page loader or page loading spinner is used to provide load progress icon while web page is being loaded from website.