You have decided that creating a Crowdfunding Campaign will be most beneficial for your idea / product or business. Here is how to get started with your Crowdfunding Campaign.
Overriding Stripe and operating portal without any payment processing
This blog post will focus on switching portal to operate without any payment processing being done.
Psychological Tactics For Crowdfunding Campaigns
Crowdfunding is a painful yet rewarding process. It is different from the typical selling online kind of scheme.
Web UI Development Workflow
We have recently updated our Web UI development workflow in order to make the process more streamlined for developers while generating more optimized and better production-ready code.
Thrinacia 2016 Development Roadmap
Development roadmap for major 2016 Thrinacia features is shown below. Some features are part of core effort while others are being incubated by the Icarus.
Self-Awareness For Successful Crowdfunding Project
How do you get people to donate money? Those who have done successful crowdfunding campaigns would often speak of the psychology of people.
Crowdfunding Success: A Must-Do List
Are you looking into putting together a crowdfunding campaign but you’re not sure if it’s something that you can do successfully?
Past Successes: How Do They Determine Crowdfunding Project Success?
How often do you talk about the past successful campaigns you have worked with?
Build Your Reputation For Crowdfunding Success
What risks are your crowdfunding supporters so afraid of?
DIY Crowdfunding Tools For A Successful CrowdFunding Campaign
Is this the first crowdfunding campaign you’re working on? The first one will always be the most difficult, but it would always be the most well-planned.