If you are launching soon, and have not already created any buzz toward your campaign, now is the time to create a landing page.
How To Host Your Atlas Front End UI on Another Server
Web hosting is included in all Thrinacia Atlas subscription plans and is recommended for those who would like to use the platform. What if you would like to host the site yourself?
CrowdFunding Student Loans
Large percentage of students will end up with debt in some way or another.
ICO and the Crowdfunding Industry
The new and popular method to fund private Blockchain-based startups called ICO (Initial Coin Offering) is gaining traction much like the traditional use of Crowdfunding.
Next Home Purchase with Crowdfunding?
Yes we have seen campaigns in the past where individuals have tried to crowdfund the entire amount for a new home.
Advanced Custom Fields, Campaign Revisions and Other New Features
We have recently released a few new Thrinacia Atlas features. This blog post will provide you with more information on these features.
Crowdfunding in India
Crowdfunding online has become more popular in recent years. It is well known in North America and Europe. However, Crowdfunding is starting to become a popular resource used in India.
Business owners look to crowdfunding
There is a common trend that is showing itself more and more across North America.
Thrinacia Atlas translated/localized for any Country
Are you having troubles finding a Crowdfunding platform in your country/region? It is likely that you are not the only one in this situation. Luckily there is now a solution for you, Thrinacia Atlas.
Crowdfunding helping new Space projects launch
In the last few years we have seen private companies, nonprofit institutions and individual citizens look to bankroll their space themed projects via crowdfunding.