We have released new feature allowing you to automatically add meta data information to stripe transactions.
3 step process for Crowdfunding platforms to verify Campaigns
How can you verify that the campaigns are legitimate? Here is a 3 step process that other platforms are using that you may want to use.
How to choose between a Rewards & Donations or Equity based campaign
If you are anticipating a Crowdfunding campaign for your corporation, non-profit, or startup, then what is the type of campaign you should be running?
How Crowdfunding Is Helping in Education Sector
If you are having troubles with receiving funding for school activities, equipment, trips, etc, there may be a method to gain the funding needed.
Thrinacia Reach and Sedra Reward Attribute Feature Added
New Thrinacia Reach and Thrinacia Sedra Widget feature is available, which allows users to add attributes to their rewards.
What is Crowdsourcing and how it compares to Crowdfunding?
Crowdsourcing is the ability to use a crowd of people for any project or task.
How to Crowdfund for Traveling
Are you looking to travel, but do not have the funding to do so? Where could you find the funding for your next travel destination? One solution to consider would be using Crowdfunding.
Stripe Elements and Card Tokenization Feature
We have released a new Stripe Elements card tokenization feature for our Web UI v1 and Sedra CrowdFunding Widget.
How to set a budget for your Crowdfunding Campaign
If you are considering creating a Crowdfunding campaign, you will have to set a realistic budget for how much you want to invest into the project.
Using Crowdfunding for your Charity
Do you have a charity that is in need of funding online? If you are not already utilizing the power of Crowdfunding for your Charity, you may want to consider it.