Do you need funding? Are you curious about where, or how you will receive the money you need? If this is the case, you may be able to use Crowdfunding as a solution.
How to utilize your existing network for Crowdfunding
This article will explain how to gain your very first backers using your existing network of friends and family.
How to host Thrinacia Web UI on your own web server
Normally all standalone Web UI’s or reference applications are hosted on Thrinacia front-end servers where we use CDN and other caching techniques as well as cache busting to ensure optimal delivery.
Finding the target audience for your Crowdfunding campaign
Finding the target audience is a major part of the research for the success of the marketing strategies. In this article, we are going to cover the key components to finding the target audience for your Crowdfunding campaign.
Crowdfunding on your own
This article is designed to help guide you in the right direction so that you can fund your way to success for whatever project you are raising the funds for.
Venture Capital or Crowdfunding?
There are multiple avenues to take when looking to fund your next project. Neither path is easy and will take lots of effort to be successful. In this article, we will explore which path may be more suitable for your next project.
How to relaunch a previously failed Crowdfunding campaign
Do you still think your Crowdfunding project could be successful? This article is going to help explain how to relaunch your failed Crowdfunding campaign.
How to choose a Crowdfunding platform for your campaign
In this article, we will cover how to choose the right platform, and explore other options available to suit the needs of all campaign creators.
Backerkit to help raise funds on every Kickstarter campaign
Are you a genuine backer that wants to help as many people out there to raise funds for their Crowdfunding campaign? If so, Backerkit can help you with that.
New Feature: Hiding Campaign Contribution Button
The new Campaign Contribution Hiding is a feature that allows the campaign creators a choice of displaying or hiding the campaign contribution button.