Optimizing your Crowdfunding pitch video

Tips for your Crowdfunding video
Tips for your Crowdfunding video

Are you creating your Crowdfunding pitch video, or not receiving the response you were hoping for after creating the video. Not to worry, this article will help explain some tips for optimizing your Crowdfunding pitch video.

The tips explained here can help you with optimizing your existing video, as well as the video that you intend to create. Of course, these are just the best common practices, and you may need to create your video outside of these practices as needed for your particular audience.

Understanding your audience

First, before creating any content, you need to know your audience. You should know what your audience likes, and dislikes, as well as the type of terminology that they would use, so you can speak directly to them. This is basic for all Crowdfunding campaigns and should be included in your typical backer persona. Once you figure out the typical person who is going to be watching your video, you can then further create the necessary content to market towards them.


This is probably the most important aspect of the tips we are going to cover in this blog. Most of the techniques that you are going to be utilizing will have to do with the editing for the most part. This is because it is very apparent which videos have professional editing and those that do not. It can keep the attention of the viewer, and help convince them to donate to the campaign.

First, the video needs to be entertaining, it should not contain any silent/dull moments. There needs to be a good, and catchy, song in the background. This, of course, is not easy to choose but may have some impact on the user. If you have researched your typical backers, then you will know what type of music they would be interested in.


When it comes to talking about sounds, you may have noticed that there are many successful campaign videos that contain a voice over or b-roll. This is another great way to squeeze more information into the video in a short amount of time, as well as keep the attention of the viewer.

Timing is everything

Before filming, you should know that the rule of thumb for these videos is to keep them as short as needed. This is the common length of the video for a couple of reasons:

  • Attention span: The viewers will typically turn the video off if the video is not interesting enough. This is why there needs to be a lot of information squeezed in a short amount of time.
  • Multitasking: Many viewers are preoccupied with other tasks during the day, and do not have enough time to watch your video.

Although you may see some successful campaign videos reach 6mins, try not to let this happen. You want something short, such as 2 – 3mins, this way, even if the viewer only watches the video for 1 min, they have at least consumed roughly half of your content. Do not let the video drag on for 10mins as no very few viewers will take the time to watch such a long video. You want most, if not all of the views to watch the entire video, from start to finish.


Last, is the visuals. The entire video is comprised of its visuals, that is why the view is watching. You should be sure to include the following:

  • Subtitles: There are many viewers that may be watching your video when turning sound on is not an option. So you should be able to explain the entire video with your subtitles in case those viewers are not able to hear your video.
  • Your product: Professionally display your product. You want to show that you have something really amazing. You want them to have the urge to “buy it now”.
  • Consumers using your product: Show the consumer someone actually using the product. You can explain it all you want, but if you don’t show them someone using it, how can they visualize themselves using it?
  • Branding: Make sure your logo and other branding is apparent to the user so it stays in their memory.

Once you have the above visuals, you can be sure that your video will be successful among the many other videos avaliable on across the Crowdfunding platforms.