Introducing New Atlas Plan Features

New Atlas Reach UI theme
Try the New Atlas theme

We are happy to announce our new Atlas Reach UI theme, and other new features to the subscription plan such as turn key website setup, and an update on the support tiers as well as price adjustment on our On-premises solution.

New Atlas Reach UI Theme

We now have two theme designs to choose from when signing up to the Atlas subscription plan. First, is the Core UI, which is the default theme that Thrinacia has been providing with Atlas. This design has been updated over the time and can be viewed by going to the Origin demo website. The second theme is the Reach UI theme.

Now, you can use the New Reach UI theme for your Crowdfunding platform, which comes with the same UI that you see on the Reach Crowdfunding platform. The pages include home/landing pageexplore page, campaign page, and campaign creation page. You can also add any new pages that you would like. Take a look at the following default pages included in the Reach theme by watching this video:


If you would like to use this new theme, please do the following:

  1. Sign up for an Atlas subscription plan
  2. Create a new ticket in the Our Support and Ticketing System
  3. Ask for the Reach UI theme to be enabled on your website
  4. Receive, and start using the new theme

Alternatively if you know how to install theme yourself and have a plan already, then you can get it from our Github repository. Please head over to:

Then clone the git repository on your local machine or remote server and follow our instructions for building new website as per below.

Turn Key Website Setup

Another new feature that is included in specified subscription plans, is the Turn Key Setup. This means that our Thrinacia staff will fully set up your website portal to get you going fast. In addition to the Turn Key Setup, included with specified plans is training on how to use the platform. Our staff will teach you how the platform operates, and what to do while running your Crowdfunding website. The training sessions will be done over Google Hangouts with screen sharing.

Support Tier Updates

We have now updated our support tiers to further explain what each tier is designed for.

  • Tier 1 – Phone, Slack Chat, Google Hangouts, Email and Issue Tracker Support. High Level Priority Response.
  • Tier 2 – Slack Chat, Google Hangouts, Email and Issue Tracker Support. Medium Level Priority Response.
  • Tier 3 – Slack Chat, Email and Issue Tracker Support. Basic Level Priority Response.
  • Tier 4 – Email and Issue Tracker Support. Entry Level Priority Response.

On-premises Price Adjustments

Finally we have made some price adjustments to our On-premises solution which is a full stack consisting of complete CrowdFunding ecosystem that comprises mobile apps, web apps, widgets, plugins and so on, all open sourced and hosted on your own servers for full modifications and customizations. New pricing is now reflected on our On-premises page located at following URL:

For those that have any questions or concerns about our product, please feel free to sign into our slack channel.