Introducing Crowdfunding Marketing, Development and Consulting Services

We would like to introduce our new Crowdfunding marketing, development and consulting services for campaign creators or website owners to receive expert solutions for their Crowdfunding campaign or website.

From content creation to marketing and development of the campaign or website, Thrinacia is providing a full stack of solutions for those that are looking to run a Crowdfunding campaign or a website and need turn key solutions or advice for marketing and implementation of such project.

We have two primary options that are currently offered for these services. First, you can use our custom solution services where we offer the following:

  • Website/Platform and Campaign Management
  • Campaign Content Creation
  • Campaign Social Promotion/Marketing
  • Website/Platform and Campaign Hosting
  • Market Research and Analysis
  • Custom Website Development Work
  • Video Creation
  • Logo, UI/UX and Graphic Design

These are custom tailored solutions for your project, billed on an hourly basis by buying a prepaid block of hours. You work with our team directly on these and can buy as much time as needed to finish your project. You would get access to our team via real time chat, telephone and video conferencing with screen sharing.

We also offer a fixed price set of packages, that are more suitable towards customers with smaller set of tasks or those who know exactly what they may need or need certain services at fixed price. These are described below.

Marketing and Consulting packages
Marketing and Consulting packages

*** Core Package ***

Promotion through Thrinacia official channels. These channels include a Blog post, Facebook page & group, twitter, and Instagram page.

This package is $250.00 and offers basic promotion strategy.

*** Advanced Package ***

  • Campaign creation via sent template/form on target website/platform
  • Step by step promotion strategy
  • 1 Consultation session (1 hr)

This package is $500.00 and offers help with promotion and also campaign creation in addition to consultation session.

*** Premium Package ***

  • Campaign creation via sent template/form on target website/platform
  • Step by step promotion strategy
  • 3 Consultation session (3 hrs)
  • Promotion through Thrinacia official channels includes channels as mentions previously

This package is $800.00 and offers everything in Advanced package together with promotion strategy on official channels.

*** Ultimate Package ***

  • Campaign creation via sent template/form on target website/platform
  • Step by step promotion strategy
  • 8 Consultation session (8 hrs)
  • Promotion through Thrinacia official channels as mentioned previously
  • Pre consultation session (1 hr)
  • Dedicated campaign manager, this includes up to 40 hours for the complete duration of the campaign

This package is $2800.00 and is suited towards bigger campaigns as it adds more consultation time as well as allows for dedicated campaign manager.

For additional information please visit our services page.