Importance of Project Updates

In crowdfunding campaigns one important aspect we sometimes overlook is communication. It’s important to provide regular updates to your backers. They deserve to be kept in the loop from start to finish. Whenever there are quiet periods or very little information provided, people will start to get nervous and worried. As an project backer in the past, I personally like to see campaign updates at least once every two weeks.

Most will campaigns will run on average every 30-60 days and some even longer. Thrinacia software allows for custom date duration on campaigns and some even go indefinitely. Hence it is very important to keep the backers informed along every step of the way. You want to create a lot of trust and for other people to further share your campaign across their own network. This will allow you to bring more success and more funding for your project. Don’t give the idea that your project has died and if there are unexpected turns (good or bad) let everyone know.



Here are some tips you can consider when providing updates to your backers.

  • Post crowdfunding updates as much as you can (minimum every two weeks), consider only posting relevant project updates.
  • Do no post irrelevant updates that will confuse people.
  • Include some multimedia if possible.
  • Link social media with your campaign website in terms of updates.
  • Encourage talk within your network.
  • Thank everyone that supported the project.