How to use CloudFlare with Atlas

If you would like to be using CloudFlare with your Atlas Crowdfunding platform, you can follow the simple steps below:

Step 1. Sign into CloudFlare, and add the correct DNS settings as per the image below with both CNAME @ (done with domain name flattening using CloudFlare CNAME), and also add the CNAME www

Add the records underlined in red
Add the records underlined in red

Step 2. Enable the following toggle: “Always Use HTTPS” feature in the Edge Certificates tab of the Cloudflare SSL/TLS app as per the image below:

Always use HTTPS
Always use HTTPS

Step 3.  Create a support ticket in and include the domain that you want to use and indicate you are using CloudFlare service or email with the specified details.

Step 4. We will then notify you when the custom domain name has been set up.

For more information please watch the following video: