How to migrate your existing Crowdfunding website to Thrinacia Atlas

Migrating your Crowdfunding website to Thrinacia Atlas
Migrating your Crowdfunding site to Thrinacia Atlas

Do you have an existing Crowdfunding platform or website that needs to be updated with the latest features and capabilities? Is your platform limited in support, and capabilities? Are you looking for a newer and more versatile solution with extensive set of features? This article will explain how to migrate your existing platform to use the Thrinacia Atlas solution.

There are many features and capabilities on the Thrinacia Atlas platform including support, and secure/scaleable hosting services that many other white label Crowdfunding products and services do not offer. You can compare our product with others to see which product will work best for what you are looking for here.

If you are looking for the features and capabilities that the Thrinacia Atlas platform has, but already have a fully running platform on a custom URL with many campaigns, and user information, then this article will tell you how to go about migrating the website over to use our SaaS stack.

Below are the steps that it takes to migrate your current Crowdfunding platform to Thrinacia Atlas:

Step 1. Contact

Due to the fact that Crowdfunding platforms can be very unique, there is no particular streamlined process for this type of transfer. In order to make the migration, you need to contact to speak with a sales representative about what you would like to migrate and discuss other details, as to how much time it may take or what may need to be done.

It is recommended to have a document of the required information that you would like to transfer. For example, you can list off the information such as:

  • Campaigns – descriptions, images, and funds collected.
  • Users – email addresses, username, and any other account details.
  • Categories or Tags

Just to name a few.

Step 2. Sign up for the Thrinacia Atlas subscription plan

In order to use the Thrinacia Atlas white label Crowdfunding platform, you will have to sign up for the subscription plan. There are several plans to choose from, go to the Atlas pricing page, and take a look at which plan will suit you best.

Step 3. Get in touch with Thrinacia’s custom development team

Once you understand the time and the cost associated with performing the migration, you can then start by working with our developers that will inspect your existing website, and start the migration process. In some cases we may be able to save time if you are coming from other solutions that we have migrated data in the past for.

You will have to provide access to your existing website so that the developers can migrate the information.

Step 4. Work with Thrinacia’s in-house developers to get the site migrated

While working with the developers, you will have your own personal access to the development team via the ticketing system, slack chat, and other communication platforms such as google hangouts.

As you can see, it is not a difficult process as long as you are clear about the information that is needed to be transferred. Other adjustments and additions can be made during the development since more hours can be added to allocated tasks.

Learn more by watching the following video: