How to create a pre-sale Crowdfunding campaign on your eCommerce website

Crowdfunding for an eCommerce website
Crowdfunding for an eCommerce website

Are you looking to introduce a new product on your eCommerce website? If so, how are you going to test if your users will like the new products before making an order or starting production? You can create a rewards-based Crowdfunding campaign.

What is a rewards-based Crowdfunding campaign?

For those that are unfamiliar with Crowdfunding, there are multiple types of funding methods for a Crowdfunding campaign that one can create. Among the different methods are AoN (All or Nothing) and KiA (Keep it all). To use the pre-sale ability on the eCommerce website you would have to be utilizing a rewards-based Crowdfunding campaign. Shippable rewards allow you to offer the product/products that you are planning to sell as you can offer multiple rewards. So if you are planning on introducing multiple products, this can be an option as well if you would like to only run a single campaign. In addition, to offering multiple products, you can also add reward attributes.

Reasons to use a rewards-based Crowdfunding campaign for pre-sale

Now that you know the capabilities of the rewards based Crowdfunding campaign, why should it be used? As mentioned previously, you can use this for pre-sales. If you want little to no overhead cost to introduce a product to your eCommerce website, then this can be a very helpful method to use. If you are going to use this on your eCommerce website, it is best to add some urgency to these products. All or nothing funding method performs better with these types of Crowdfunding campaigns, as it adds a sense of urgency to the campaign. In addition, you can share a campaign on any social media platform, so you are not only limited to the users on your website.

This can method can work on any type of eCommerce website thanks to such technologies as Thinacia’s Sedra widget. Using Crowdfunding is becoming more popular among some of the bigger eCommerce platforms as you can see here.

Additional information can be seen in the below YouTube video: