How to create a clone of Kickstarter/Indiegogo Crowdfunding platform

How to launch your first Crowdfunding website
How to launch your first Crowdfunding website

Want to create a clone of your favourite Crowdfunding platform? This article will show you how you can create your own Crowdfunding platform without having any coding knowledge or experience.

If you want to create a Crowdfunding platform, do not bother with trying to develop Kickstarter or Indiegogo clone script. You can utilize ready to use, turn-key, Crowdfunding software loaded with all of the same features as your favourite Crowdfunding platform. Whether you are looking to create a Patreon clone, Indiegogo clone, or Gofundme clone, you can use white label technology to fit your needs.

How to get started

For starters, you can research to see what white label Crowdfunding platform is going to be the best to suit your needs. For this article, we will recommend taking a look at the Atlas platform. You can learn the 6 easy steps to create a Crowdfunding platform by reading this article.

Writing Crowdfunding scripts is a waste of time if you have access to software that is pre-built that you can build on top of if you need any additional features. You will also have access to Thrinacia’s in-house developers which you can use for an hourly fee. In addition to the in-house developers, you will have access to the front end source code so you can create and add any Gofundme script, Indiegogo script, or Patreon script if you want to add anything yourself.

Start creating your site

You can watch the video below to learn more about creating a Crowdfunding website: