How to add a simple donation form to your website

Add a donation form to your website
Add a donation form to your website

Are you looking to add donation capabilities on to your website, or update your current donation form? This article will explain how you can add a modern designed donation form on your website to start accepting donations and offer rewards.

You may have a generic donation form on your existing website which is starting to become archaic in the way that it looks on the site, and how it functions. This article will also provide a solution for those that would like to update the look of this donation form, and add more functionality.

Note: this solution can be used on most websites, but may not work on all. If any issues occur, you can contact Thrinacia support for assistance when adding the donation form on your website.

You should also read the following article to enable and use the Sedra widget.

Current donation forms

Below is an example of the age-old donation form that you may see many schools, and charity websites using:

Generic donation form
Generic donation form

This is what many of the donation forms look like on charity, non-profit, school, and other websites. Unfortunately, this type of donation form may be limited in functionality and could use a UI (User Interface) update. You can add all of the functionality that you see in the above image, and more by using Thrinacia’s Sedra widget.

Using the Sedra widget

The Sedra widget is designed to add rewards and donation capabilities on to any website by copying and pasting a simple HTML widget code. The widget can be fully manipulated in terms of functionality, and look by using the administrator dashboard and the front end source code. You can add and remove sections on the page to make it completely customizable to your preference. These capabilities can be added to the site for as little as $9.99 per month using the Micro plan

Below is an example of the Sedra widget used for the donation form:

Donation form preview
Donation form preview

Below is an image of the donation form UI when clicking on the contribute button:

Contribute UI
Contribute UI

You are not limited by the UI that you see in the above image. You can also add more features and capabilities using the administrator dashboard as mentioned previously.

The Sedra Widget capabilities

As you can see by the above image, there are many more features that the Sedra widget offers, that most donation forms do not. The Sedra widget comes out of the box with:

  • Different run modes: You can use the Keep it All run mode, or the All or Nothing run mode.
  • Multiple contribution methods: You can make anonymous, partially anonymous, express checkout contributions, and more.
  • Add rewards: You can add rewards for those that donate a set amount of money.
  • Sharing: You can share the campaign on Facebook, Twitter, and email.
  • Amount funded: The page can show or hide the amount funded.
  • Add information: You can add images, text, and videos to the donation form to help provide more knowledge to the users.
  • Updates: You can add updates to the page, to keep your donors up to date.
  • Comments: Backers and other users can comment on the page.
  • Display donors: You can display who has donated to the page.

Those are just some of the awesome features that you can enable on your donation form. There are many more features and capabilities that can be added or subtracted to the donation form. Now that you know the capabilities and possibilities that the Sedra widget provides, below are the steps to add the donation form on to your website:

Steps to add a donation form to your website

Step 1: Subscribe to the Atlas subscription plan.

New Atlas Subscription plans Thrinacia UI
Atlas subscription plan options

Choose the plan that suits you best. You can use the inexpensive Micro plan and add as many as 30 different active donation forms. For those that would be using more than 30 active donation forms, you would need to be using a separate plan.

Step 2: Create the Crowdfunding campaign, and copy the widget code.

Campaign creation steps preview widget code
Campaign creation steps preview widget code

 In addition to creating the campaign, you can also generate, and manipulate the campaign to operate in a specific way that is best suited for your donation page. To do this, you can use the administrator dashboard. Make sure that your settings are all correct.

Step 3: Test the campaign.

Test and live mode toggle in the Atlas admin dashboard
Test mode and live mode toggle in the Atlas admin dashboard

Make sure that you test the campaign as a user donating. This way you ensure that the donation features are running as needed, and you do not run the risk of having any mistakes in the user journey. You can use the Stripe test mode if you do not want to send any real money. You will also have to turn the toggle to test mode in the Atlas administrator dashboard as well. This way you can make multiple donations to make sure that everything is running smoothly.

Step 4: Start accepting donations.

Contribute UI
Contribute UI

Now that you have your donation page set up on your web page, you can toggle the Stripe mode to live, and the payment settings to live mode on your platform to start accepting the donations from your users.

You can learn more by watching the below video: