How to Publish Custom Website Pages and Add Them to Menu

Step 1. Create a new page by heading over to the Admin Dashboard -> Pages. Click on the Actions button and click on the Add Page to create a new page.


Step 2. Once your page is created you have to publish it by checking the check box  and clicking on the Publish Pages under the Actions drop down.



Step 3. After you create a new page you can add it to the menus by navigating to: Admin Dashboard -> Portal Settings ->  Theme Settings. There should be an option called Website Menus with a drop down, which can be used to choose where you want your link to be displayed, whether it should be in the navigation, footer 1 or footer 2.


Step 4. Click the Add Page button and you should be able to see your published pages listed in the drop down. Once that page is selected it should automatically add it to the the table of links. You can also change the order of the menu items by using the drag and drop interface.



Step 5.Make sure to save your changes; otherwise your link will not be displayed.

Note: If you don’t see your page link in any of the menus (navigation, footer 1 or footer 2) then please make sure the page is published and reload your page. You should be able to see it then.