Don’t of the Day: Rushing into Things

Thinking of an awesome idea followed by an idea to launch a crowdfunding campaign can happen in a split second. But no matter how brilliant you think it is, never rush into things.

Things like planning ahead and doing your budgeting should already be known in the crowdfunding world. But one particular step can be quite easy to miss and that is doing your research first.

There are thousands of crowdfunding campaigns that are active right now and there are even more that were made in the previous years. Some of the campaigns were wildly successful while others crashed and burned. But what should matter most to you are the crowdfunding campaigns that either have similar ambitions to your crowdfunding campaign. It could even be possible that you are unintentionally copying the way your product or campaign is executed. Bookmark any campaigns you spot that are related or similar to yours. It doesn’t matter if there are few backers because that could change and you might be able to see some feedback.

After you compiled a considerable amount of campaigns, inspect each one and see how the campaign is presented. Take note of the strengths and flaws of the campaign and compare with yours. If the campaign already finished, figure out why the campaign failed or succeeded. Check the comments section and find out any positive or negative feedback. See how the creator issues updates to the backers.

Doing your homework can be a fulfilling learning experience as you can learn from other people’s mistakes and prevent potential problems from getting out of control. Any crowdfunding campaign will have its struggles even if you exceeded your goal. Some crowdfunding campaigns just don’t work out because of things that the creator overlooked. This research can also encourage you to make your crowdfunding campaign more unique whether it is the product or service that needs tweaking or the presentation. Don’t jump in blindly to things and you’ll experience nothing but the good things crowdfunding has to offer.