DIY Crowdfunding Tools For A Successful CrowdFunding Campaign

Crowdfunding projects
Crowdfunding projects

Is this the first crowdfunding campaign you’re working on? The first one will always be the most difficult, but it would always be the most well-planned. Every detail of the campaign has been well-thought of that seeing it succeed is like seeing your plan unfold right before you. After all, planning for your kickstart campaign for the first time can be dramatic and even overwhelming.

How do you manage your outreach to the press, your social media engagement and even put together all your visual elements including your videos could work to your advantage?

Here are a few tools you could always try out:

  • Backerkit – a tool that allows you to keep all correspondences and coordination in a spread sheet. Instead of going through your email one at a time or keep the files in a spread sheet, you can help manage your responsibilities with your funders through Backerkit.
  • Printful – a tool that specializes in providing high quality printed shirts and other campaign paraphernalia to give out to potential funders. T-shirts have become one of the most popular crowdfunding campaigns used, because it is very easy to sell. Not only does it promote the advocacy, but it becomes a constant reminder of what each one is fighting for.
  • Microphone – making a video for your campaign is one of the things that can help you achieve success. And as it is a vital part of the campaign, you have to come up with something good and compelling. Although you don’t need to hire a professional to make a video for you, a good microphone should be able to help you
  • create a high quality video that sounds perfectly good.
  • Social Media Engagement – Crowdfunding projects banks on the idea of having people on the same boat advocating for the same cause. Unless you can go door to door to make this happen, you have got to work on your social media engagement. Share interesting blogs, follow them on Twitter and keep your Facebook page updated with the latest news. All these could help push your campaign to greater heights.

Experts in crowdfunding provide a variety of tools that first timers can use for their own campaign. It may take a while before you get your hand on being an expert at using a particular tool and perhaps coming up with your own, but eventually the tools will help to cut down the work to at least half.