CrowdFunding Video Games


If you did not already know, the CrowdFunding industry has proven to be a reliable source to fund new and upcoming video games. Among the top 5 most funded CrowdFunding campaigns of all time, includes 2 video game campaigns. These top 2 video games are Star Citizen, and Prison Architect. This article will further analyze the success of the most funded game, Star Citizen.

The gaming industry has been proven to show much potential using the Rewards based model. This brings to question, why do games thrive in the CrowdFunding space? There are different factors that play into the success of video game campaigns, for instance, the size and growth of the industry, and the loyal fan base attached to each game. It has become apparent that the fan base is so engaged, that professional gamers have emerged with their own channels via YouTube and Twitch as a source of income. Many Twitch channels have an option to donate. As a viewer, you can view the donations in real time to the channel. Through sources like twitch and other gaming channels, one can further analyze the potential of CrowdFunding for a new game.

Many gaming companies have introduced CrowdFunding into the development of their games, but have not taken full advantage of the funding model yet. Most companies decide to create a CrowdFunding campaign on a platform like Reach, Kickstarter or Indiegogo. This may be enough to fund a single game, but allocating resources to produce a CrowdFunding platform serves as a better method, as it allows companies to fund multiple games using the same community. Rather than investing efforts into a single campaign to gain a community of backers, companies now have the opportunity to create a fully customized and branded CrowdFunding platform to fund new games.


Star Citizen

Apart from the amazing game play and features, Star Citizen is the 2nd most funded CrowdFunding campaign to this date due to its creative rewards. Development began in 2011, and has not yet given a release date.

Among the cool and creative rewards offered, is the virtual space ships. Since the alpha release, backers can now see their purchased virtual space ship in first person view. Star Citizens initial funding goal was $500,000 and has now raised over $140,000,000 surpassing the original old raising goal by at least $139,500,000. The campaign started its funding in October 2012, and is still running. In addition to the funding goal of $500,000 Star Citizen set stretch goals in case they surpassed their initial goal. During the campaign, backers were also rewarded for donating to the campaign before reaching a stretch goal. If the stretch goal was reached, the backers would receive the reward, along with any other reward they paid for when donating to the campaign. The funding of the campaign is being fueled by the rewards offered to the backer. If you decide to donate to the campaign, you receive a reward in the game, this further entices the backer to actively start playing, when the game releases. Star Citizen already has a large fan base eagerly waiting for the release of the game, thanks to the successful CrowdFunding campaign.

After much success since the beginning of the campaign in 2012, Star Citizen decided to partner with turbulent to create a CrowdFunding platform called HEAP. The CrowdFunding platform is hosted on the Star Citizen website, so users can directly donate to the campaign on the website, rather than being redirected to an external site to donate. This increases user engagement, and session length for larger donations. This innovation takes the CrowdFunding experience to the new level.

Funding Success

As you can tell by reading this article, there are specific actions that a company can take to ensure more donations to their video game CrowdFunding campaign. Actions listed below:

  • Rewards – This includes and is not limited to perks in the game
  • Goals – Including stretch goals
  • Platform Integration – Creating a CrowdFunding platform that is branded and hosted on your site

Of course, a video game CrowdFunding campaign cannot be successful without a a great game concept and game play. No campaign will reach the funding goal without extensive research, and reliable CrowdFunding software. To learn more about White Label CrowdFunding Soluions, go to the Thrinacia Website