Crowdfunding trends for 2018


Crowdfunding in 2017 was successful yet again. There were many Crowdfunding campaigns that surpassed their funding goals on various different platforms. What are the new trends that we will see for this year? We at Thrinacia have seen particular trends lately that many companies are jumping on board with.

Popular Crowdfunding trends

First, the trend that everyone has been looking at is cryptocurrencies. At the moment, Bitcoin is the new rave, and now everyone wants a piece of the cryptocurrency market. Companies have found a new way to get a piece of the cryptocurrency action through Crowdfunding. This has been possible with the new ICO trend. This is a new method of adding a Cryptocurrency to the market. How are cryptocurrencies considered Crowdfunding?

When a company decides that they want to create an ICO, they are asking for funding form the general public. It is a way for a company to go public without adhering to the process of being listed in the markets of traditional funding. Although this is becoming a new trend, it is not an option for every company. That is why some companies have to find alternatives to ICO.

White label technology

Another popular trend is using white label technology. This type of technology can be utilized in multiple different ways. First, depending on the type of technology that you use, you can create a Crowdfunding platform. For this example, we will use Thrinacia’s white label Crowdfunding platform called Atlas. Anyone can create a Crowdfunding portal when you use white label technology like Atlas. Much like using an eCommerce subscription, a customer signs up for a plan, then the Thrinacia team creates and hosts the site, and provides support in for any issues that the customer may have. Running this type of website can be very beneficial as you can create a niche Crowdfunding site very fast and take a transaction fee on each donation to the platform. This is how the most popular Crowdfunding platforms make their money. And now anyone can take a percentage of the donations by creating a good Crowdfunding platform.

On the other hand, many people are realizing the potential of using white label technology for their Crowdfunding campaigns. Rather than creating a portal, or using a platform that can take between 5% – 15% of the donations, the Crowdfunding campaign can save thousands of dollars by utilizing white label technology. Starting at only $39.99 per month, anyone can have a Crowdfunding component hosted on their own website. If you have already created a landing page for your Crowdfunding campaign, you can use the Atlas subscription plan to host the campaign on your landing page. This way you can keep all of the potential backers attention and give them a better, and more personalized Crowdfunding experience.  In addition, one of the biggest advantages of using this technology is the customizations for the campaign. You can add any type of campaign you wish, and extend your campaign date if needed. Not to mention there is your labeling on everything, so it looks like you developed the Crowdfunding capabilities yourself. Find out more about Crowdfunding and how you can benefit by using this method to fund your next business.