Crowdfunding Success: A Must-Do List

Are you looking into putting together a crowdfunding campaign but you’re not sure if it’s something that you can do successfully? You must have read about the Pebble Watch or Veronica Mars because these campaigns have made it to the headlines both national and the international scene. And yet, majority of the crowdfunding campaigns remain to be small-scale and less-likely to make it to the headlines.

Whether it is a big campaign you’re launching or a small-scale start-up one, make sure that you follow this must-do list:

  • Make a list of supporters.

You must identify the support group of your campaign. Make a list of two groups. The first one shall be called the core group. They will be the ones who will help fund the campaign and at the same time spread the word about it. The second group is your social media mobilizers. They are the ones in charge of spreading the word about the campaign through various social media platforms.

  • Identify posts that are informative over those that are too selling.

You may be selling a campaign, but your marketing strategy should come with utmost sincerity. After all, you are not only selling the project to funders. You are selling the idea that if they support and fund your campaign now, they are doing the greater majority a lot of good. Be informative in your social media posts and make them less salesly.

  • Make a detailed list of what needs to be funded.

Funders often have second thoughts about donating money to campaigns they know very little about. The more that you make them understand your goals and what you will need the money for, the more likely are they to give their support. Make a list of what needs to be funded and let your potential supporters know about it.

  • Prepare the website for the campaign.

All your social media posts should link potential supporters to the website that highlights the campaign you are working on. This will not only create an information drive, but it also spells out professionalism. A website will make your project even more legit.

Not all crowdfunding campaigns are the same, like not all of them end up successful. Despite efforts put into it, some crowdfunding campaigns don’t make it because they fail to meet people’s expectations. Perhaps their understanding of what people want and what will make them donate has not yet eye to eye.

Crowdfunding projects
Crowdfunding projects